As a leader in solar lighting solutions, this innovative Adelaide company is shaping the future of smart communities through sustainable off-grid technologies.

Lighting the way to road safety
One of the challenges for infrastructure providers in a country spanning such vast distances as Australia is to deliver reliable services to remote and isolated areas within its borders. For services that are essential to ensure the safety of motorists in and around remote communities like street lighting, this requires an extensive power grid network to deliver the basic services that are often overlooked within the limits of our capital cities around Australia.

Expansive distances, skilled labour and limited federal funding can inflate the costs of street lighting to almost outweigh the benefits. Thankfully, Australia is also the ideal place to harness solar energy, and when asked to design a product for a state government project pilot in the Flinders Ranges in 2011, David Wilson (CEO of Green Frog Systems) prototyped a simple but reliable low voltage plug-and-play solution which could be easily installed without requiring a licensed electrician.

Green Frog Systems are the first company to offer end to end solutions for highway-class lighting, and 100% solar-powered micro-grid energy storage systems. After years of development and refinement in the harsh Australian environment, their products gained popularity
overseas. They have since experienced significant demand for their products in the US, where environmental regulations favour renewable energies. Thanks to highly specialised technology for low-light energy capture, Green Frog Systems has become successful in the UK and Europe, creating the first solar lighting solution to last all night in climates with minimal sunlight.

Recent product releases boasts the ability to store surplus energy for 100% off grid deployment of otherwise unavailable IoT (Internet of Things) technology such as smart traffic and waste management, intelligent parking systems, air quality monitoring and security cameras with intelligent data analysis to monitor and communicate potential threats or emergencies to first responders

Off the roof and onto the road
Green Frog Systems was founded in 2011 by David Wilson, an entrepreneur with a rich corporate background that spans across multiple industries including international and Australian Defence manufacturing, electronics, and product design. His experience in the technical deployment of lighting infrastructure further cements his standing as a highly qualified professional capable of innovating cutting-edge technological concepts and optimising production processes.

Recognising the lack of high-quality solar lighting solutions that were easy to deploy in remote communities, Wilson soon realigned his strategy and, assembled a highly equipped and capable team of product development, research and development team and specialised marketing professionals to achieve unilateral success across Australia and overseas.

Recognised as a world-class electronics manufacturer, Green Frog Systems provides innovative, sustainable solar lighting and IoT solutions with easy-to-use modular technology. The company’s global client list includes government agencies, NGO’s mining, oil and gas, industrial and commercial infrastructure in some of the world’s most extreme and technically challenging environments—proof of the robust quality of their products.

Using Adelaide as a launchpad
Despite a global client base and a 12-year success story, Green Frog Systems remain an Adelaide-based company at heart. “It’s a perfect place to set up shop,” says David Wilson, “an ideal launchpad for start-ups. Due to the internationally renowned universities and strong defence culture, we have here, there’s constant access to a good pool of engineering talent.” Thanks to this and the agile nature of the company, Green Frog Systems have kept their primary research and development facilities in South Australia while staying connected to external contributors around the world.

In it for the long haul
“Our export sales are growing at a phenomenal rate with new markets coming online all the time,” Wilson continues. But even as they are looking to further expand their international presence in the next 12 months, Green Frog Systems will increase hiring of skilled professionals to propel the company to the next level of success whilst identifying and nurturing talent from a select pool of highly promising professional graduates from right here in South Australia.

“Our mission is to consistently offer clients a highly reliable solar lighting option” says Wilson, one that provides communities from every corner of our great country the safety, security, and access to public spaces even more economically than the mains-powered equivalent used in our cities. “And after 12 successful years pursuing this goal, we’re more than confident that Green Frog Systems will still be going strong in another 12”.

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