Milwaukee 3D - Option B

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INNOVATE® Milwaukee

City Riders, born in 2018 from the frustrations of its founder, Thomas McElroy, embodies a passion for community and exploration. Motivated by the inconsistency of his riding companions, McElroy envisioned a solution that would unite like-minded enthusiasts globally. This vision materialized into City Riders, a platform connecting individuals who share a love for motorcycles, scooters, bicycles, and cars.

Central to City Riders are two key features facilitating immediate connections and camaraderie among users. The interactive map empowers individuals to discover fellow riders nearby or across the globe, while the matching feature ensures compatibility based on user-defined criteria, enhancing the overall experience. These flagship features, along with a suite of complementary functionalities such as an activity feature, a timeline for posts, and even an event planning feature, underscore City Riders’ commitment to providing a seamless user journey.

Thank you to MKE Tech for making this book possible, they are the voice and champion of Innovate® Milwaukee that unifies the community!

In 2022, McElroy enlisted Codewryters, an overseas development team, to bring City Riders’ vision to life. Together, they meticulously crafted the platform’s MVP and subsequent iterations, laying the groundwork for its exponential growth. Building on this momentum, McElroy embarked on a significant journey to Surat, India, in 2023, to finalize a major iteration update with Codewryters. During his four-day trip, McElroy experienced abundant hospitality from Hiren and Ashish, the founders of Codewryters, broadening his perspective on Indian culture.

Hiren, Codewryters
Ashish, Codewryters

In early 2024, McElroy’s journey took another significant turn when he crossed paths with Terry Oyabrady on the YC Combinator founder matching platform. Terry, a skilled backend developer with a decade of experience and a passion for AI and start-ups, was immediately intrigued by City Riders’ potential. Eager to contribute to a project with such vast possibilities, Terry eagerly joined the team, bringing his expertise and enthusiasm to the table.

Terry Oyabrade, Co Founder
Daniel Tamunotonye, Co Founder

Shortly after Terry’s arrival, Daniel Tamunotonye, boasting over ten years of experience in full-stack development, also joined City Riders. Hearing about Terry’s involvement and recognizing the mission’s significance, Daniel was compelled to join the cause. Together, Terry and Daniel added depth to City Riders’ development team, further solidifying its foundation for growth and innovation.

Thomas McElroy, Founder,

City Riders has garnered over three thousand downloads since its launch, with numbers steadily increasing. McElroy’s international aspirations for the app are becoming a reality, as downloads come from diverse countries like Ghana, Nigeria, Belgium, Germany and Slovakia, though the primary focus remains on the continental United States. Leveraging a combination of word-of-mouth marketing and social media content, McElroy continues to propel City Riders towards its envisioned status as a preeminent global powerhouse in the technology landscape.

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