Angelos Angelou

Founder & CEO - International Accelerator (IA)




As Featured In:

INNOVATE® Austin Volume 2

Everything is bigger and better in Texas (smile) and the same now holds true for the technology hub of Austin. It’s growing, expanding, and changing the landscape of innovation, serving as a catalyst of increasing value. According to the U.S. News & World Report, Austin is the number 1 place in the world to live. Silicon Ranch, as some affectionately refer to Austin, anticipates IT job growth to be more than 15% over the next five years.

Austin is the fastest-growing high-tech hub in the U.S. and has been for the last 40 years. It is forecasted to be one of the fastest-growing technology centers in the U.S. for the next 25 years. Austin grew from just a 565,000 people metro to a thriving 2.2 million people metro area and is projected to reach a population base of over 4 million by early 2045.
Our city is attracting a large number of college graduates, families with young children, and immigrants – all seeking out its superb quality of life, cultural offerings, low crime rates, higher salary offerings, low unemployment, and evergrowing tech scene. Austin is one of the most engaging cities for the recruitment of millennial techies. The area around Austin boasts over 430,000 college and university students making it the largest such concentration of any city in the U.S.
Austin transformed itself from a semiconductor and engineering powerhouse in the 80s to a progressive, innovative city engaged in software development, eCommerce, nanotechnology, AI, retail and environmental technologies, medical innovation and health tech in present day.
Texas offers a conservative business climate complimenting Austin’s strength to attract more economic development. Accenture, Apple, Dell, Facebook, Google, IBM, Oracle, The U.S. Army, and others are investing in the City of Austin like never before. Venture capitalists infused $1.4 billion into Austin startups across 39 known deals just last year. The Austin tech market is hot for entrepreneurs with forward-thinking mentalities.
Perfectly situated within a 2-hour plane ride of any major U.S. city, Austin offers a central, eclectic, and collaborative environment where everyone is welcome. Diversity of people and diversity of thought are celebrated, and this Austin quintessential experience encourages152 people, each day, to call it their new home.
The ears and eyes of many throughout the world are looking at our city, realizing what we’ve always known.

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