
A GPS for Clarifying Human and Business Value




ValueMapping® is a GPS for clarifying human and business value and then authentically communicating that story to the world.

ValueMapping’s foundations were established in the late 1990s when founder Al Emerick first began working with clients in broadcast advertising and brand development. His exploration of how people defined value was a key driver in his discovery process, but he lacked a consistent and scalable approach to gather data and assess communication gaps. In 2013, Emerick was leading marketing and communications for a national healthcare management company and coaching startup entrepreneurs on crafting their elevator pitch to investors. It was during this time that he recognized a consistent and frequent problem; people struggled to define their value and the value of their products and services. He set out to solve this challenge.

Emerick researched how value is perceived across both personal and business relationships and environments. He found common variance in how people defined value as well as recurring disconnection between value perceptions and impact. People discounted the emotional impact of feelings, despite the acknowledgment of emotion being a core driver of value. He concluded that for value to be truly elevated and leveraged, there had to be a balance and bridge between the cognitive “head,” and emotional “heart.” This theory changed Al’s life and birthed the launch of his path to redefine value within society.


ValueMapping’s patent-pending process utilizes coaching, workshops, and training to impact three core business functions:

  • Leadership: Execution of goals and strategy, efficiency in creating business solutions, organizational alignment, and communication
  • Culture & Talent: Employee connectivity, talent development
  • Sales & Marketing: Brand story, customer insights, and sharable

Once learned, the process is supported by tools and technology which facilitate adaptation and integration into operations and strategy.


What sets ValueMapping apart is its flexibility, speed, and authenticity. It can be applied to anything deemed to have value, across any industry. From people, products, and services; to strategy, goals, projects, and tasks, ValueMapping quickly achieves deep insights and creates a meaningful dialogue with unprecedented efficiency. The process, while systemized and pragmatic, is also a human experience and provides a platform for the authentic exchange of ideas. Typical barriers to problem-solving are lowered with less effort because trust is established more quickly. This frees people to communicate more clearly while focusing on creatively and collectively developing solutions.


ValueMapping’s mission is to connect people through a deeper understanding and the meaningful sharing of value expressed by the impact. Their vision is to become the GPS society uses to leverage value for personal, professional, and spiritual growth.


“ValueMapping provides a genuine, practical, and simple approach to clarifying and communicating the value of your organization, employees, and stakeholders. It is an exhilarating and exciting process.” – Phyllis Martin, Head of Community Impact & Strategic Investments, United Way of NE Florida

“ValueMapping’s tools and process elevated my team’s ability to clearly and succinctly articulate the value of their efforts to a broader audience and built confidence and enthusiasm for the work they are doing.” – Christine Meringolo, Former VP Consumer Engagement, Bayer Consumer Health

“To say ValueMapping has been transformative is an understatement.” David Miller, Co-Founder/CEO, Brightway Insurance

“ValueMapping helped us successfully launch in the U.S. because it allowed us to give our technicians and leaders a greater connection to their worth personally and to the business. They take that into the field every day.” – Richard Nuttall, President, City Facilities Management

Our value is our DNA. It lives within each of us, our families, businesses, and community. We want to help you lift your value, so please reach out and let’s have a meaningful conversation.

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