Located in the city of Curitiba, Brazil, and affiliated with the Tecnoparque, a City Hall program, TESE Technology Architecture Urban Planning and Culture is part of a group of companies founded by Mirna Cortopassi Lobo, Rodrigo and Diogo Cortopassi Lobo in 1987.
The scope of TESE is wide and operates in different areas such as Urban and Regional Planning, Landscape and Environmental Projects with Geographical Intelligence Systems. The company also designs Architecture buildings for public and private companies.

TOD – Transport Oriented Development for three Metropolitan Areas in Brazil: Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre and Recife
In 2021, TESE was hired by the Federal Secretariat for Infrastructure Development (SID) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to develop the site selection of the best public areas to implement new real estate developments to optimize the existing railways transportation systems in three Brazilian Metropolitan areas. The aim of the project was the implementation of higher densities in walkable distances from transportation terminals and all along their lines. Through different filters using associated technologies the Transport Oriented Development (TOD) started with 713.589 real state options and culminated with a project’s portfolio of 33 best options to reach the mentioned purpose. The results were composed in a database within a Geographic Information System (GIS) associated with hierarchy analysis and feasibility studies based on land costs. The technology used to reach this selection was TOD readiness: Transport oriented x Market Potential x Land Use planning.

Portfolio of Structuring Projects for Feira de Santana Economic Development – Bahia State-Brazil
In 2023 TESE, through a consortium with Concremat Consulting, was hired by Superintendence of Development of the Northeast Region of Brazil (SUDENE) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) aiming to build a Portfolio of Structuring Project for the city of Feira de Santana, Bahia State, with an implementation horizon up to 2035. A methodological approach for that purpose was created based on the conjunction of the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) of each project and the 2030 Agenda Objectives of Sustainable Development (ODS) and their goals. The studies were based in several technological integrated studies, such as Geographic Information System (GIS), hierarchy analysis, and territorial approach, through site selection for their definition. The methodology of project management was based on Project Management Institute (PMI) using Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), usually applied to software development.

The projects mentioned are part of the Tecnoparque Organization of Curitiba, a tax incentive program for the city’s high-tech companies to improve innovation in our society.