Social Impact Movement

Builds partnerships to promote social change in Miami




Social Impact Movement builds partnerships to promote social change in Miami by highlighting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Connecting business leaders, enterprises, organizations, and government, linking local social responsibility actions to the global goals.

Social Impact Movement was founded in 2016 with the mission to connect people to social-related topics. It took us more than a year to understand we could play an important role in linking Miami to the global conversation. We decided to step up, taking the challenge – and the opportunity – to act for the social change movement. The Agenda 2030 framework was incorporated in early 2018 at our core mission.




Our programs raise awareness, educate, and inspire our community to take action on issues related to SDG 5 Gender Equality, SDG 14 Life Below Water, and SDG 16 Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions.

#SDGsInMiami Ambassador Series
The SDGs Ambassador Series is a movement of changemakers, social entrepreneurs and global thinkers and doers that are committed to inform, educate and demand a call to action to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Miami. Our goal is to leverage private and public connections to spread the movement and create community-driven opportunities to create positive change.




The Ambassadors are passionate community leaders specializing in one of the goals. They are equipped with curated knowledge and advocacy skills to inform and influence stakeholders, policymakers and decision-making leaders. The Ambassadors facilitate salon-style conversations, provide educational workshops, organize community events, create partnerships, and support the design of projects related to the SDGs. Their work is volunteer-based and relies on Social Impact Movement’s expertise and resources to carry out activities and projects.




Social Impact Movement gives a voice to Miami community members doing amazing work to make our city a better place to live, study, work, and innovate. We highlight individuals and entities that are impacting Miami by providing a unique platform to share stories of change thus providing opportunities to learn and engage with diverse stakeholders. The goal is to bring #SDGsVoicesInMiami to the community in an inclusive environment with a language accessible format where local guest speakers will interact with community members. The sessions are designed by thought leaders and aim to discuss topics of interest with the intention of providing content and a space for dialogue for English, Spanish and Portuguese speakers.

#SDGsInMiami Discussion and Action Circles
Inspired by TED Talks and Brazilian sociologist Paulo Freire, Social Impact Movement developed a learning-sharing format that is our signature program: Discussion and Action Circles. The layout consists of 2 thought leaders, 1 facilitator, 12 attendees per circle and a topic to be covered during a 15-20 minute session. With 2 to 4 circles per event, attendees are encouraged to switch circles and participate in all discussions, hence absorbing an overall idea of the topic and prompting a call to action to join the #SDGsInMiami initiative.




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