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We create solutions to connect devices and sensors to the cities through mesh network infrastructure.

1998 – The Beginning of a New Era and the History
The history of Smartgreen begins in 1998 in Brazil when its founders participated in a project called Rede Omega, which was created to solve the connectivity issues of people to the wireless internet in the cities. It is worth remembering that at that time the internet was still being born and the lack of access to good quality was big and the idea was to provide a good quality wireless connection, which at the time was an innovation.

2012 – IoT Connectivity
From then until the beginning of Smartgreen, in 2012, many tech projects and experiments were carried out, including control systems for rural school transport, radio connectivity in places without internet access, remote management of energy consumption, among others. The creation of Smartgreen arose from a meeting between the idea of a technology group that wanted to spread the connectivity of “things” (IoT) across cities and an investment group led by the visionary João Elísio Ferraz de Campos.

Research and Development
From the start to nowadays, the company has focused on developing innovative solutions for Smartcities, seeking to differentiate itself in the market with efficient and sustainable technologies, with affordable costs, low energy consumption, compact and wireless devices. The goal was to serve the growing IoT and Smart Cities market that was still in its primitives with low environmental and visual impact solutions for cities.

Public lighting remote management
The company was able to find success in creating a connectivity platform around street lighting infrastructure. This innovative approach allowed the functional control of luminaires by measuring energy consumption, controlling the luminous flux and the integration of other devices and sensors into a private mesh network with high availability and without sharing traffic.

The Main Project
Over the years, the project has evolved and several new technologies were incorporated, and today it is already in the 6th generation of hardware and systems. The main goal is to offer the national and international market an integrated platform, easy to install and use, with low financial impact and independence from additional technological structures, following national and global technical standards and certifications.

The magnitude of security and the integration of microservices into a single platform stands out, providing managers with a comprehensive view to make effective decisions. Besides the ability to collect information in real time from various devices installed in cities, enhancing the concept of Smartcities technology and facilitating the management of municipal assets. The new challenge now is to bring this technology into companies and homes.

Mesh Network
The project has been validated in Brazilian cities since 2012, demonstrating high network availability, edge and cloud processing capacity. The company has been receiving awards since 2017, consolidating itself as a reference in solutions for IoT and in particular, Telemanagement of Public Lighting. Currently, 10 million messages are processed per day from events that are generated by 400 thousand installed devices.

Company’s Mission
With a solid tech base and expertise, the company daily faces the challenges of remaining dynamic and innovative, expanding into new businesses and markets. The vision is aligned with trends such as the Green Economy, energy intelligence and IoT, representing a path to a sustainable future.

Prepared for the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution, the company seeks to create new business visions in a context in which everything will be controlled remotely. The success of these new ventures will depend on a combination of factors such as knowledge, experience, creativity, timing and adaptation to the market.

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