Redbrick LMD

Building the Future of Urban Living



EmBossed 3D

As Featured In:

INNOVATE® Washington DMV Edition

EmBossed 3D

As Featured In:

INNOVATE® Washington DMV Edition

Redbrick LMD is reshaping Washington, D.C.’s skyline and redefining urban living. This organization is at the forefront of innovation and sustainability, transforming the region’s real estate development landscape. With a focus on long-term societal trends and a commitment to community, Redbrick is not just constructing buildings; it’s crafting legacies.

A Visionary Approach to Real Estate

Redbrick LMD’s philosophy is rooted in the belief that responsible development and value creation are not only complementary but essential. As one of the largest private landowners in Washington, D.C., Redbrick has a development pipeline of approximately 8 million square feet, including 4 million in opportunity zones.

“Our philosophy is simple – connect investor capital to compelling real estate development projects with sustainability, economic opportunities, and health and wellness features that far exceed other buildings in the D.C. metropolitan area,” shares Co-Founder and Managing Partner Thomas Skinner. “Redbrick LMD is at the forefront of sustainable design, development, construction, and operations in the United States. Our team is gathering inspiration from around the world and incorporating innovative solutions to maximize efficiency and future-proof our buildings.”

The company’s projects, such as the transformative neighborhoods at the Navy Yard, the Bridge District, and St. Elizabeths, embrace the trends of sustainability and health and wellness. By aligning with societal, demographic, and technological trends, Redbrick aims to maximize the efficiency and operation of its developments.

The Redbrick LMD team considers itself to be unapologetic advocates of clean energy, environmental responsibility, and healthy living spaces, with sustainability at its strategic core. Skinner adds: “By embracing the future, we bring a sense of mission and purpose to our stakeholders’ daily lives (employees, customers, and local communities).”

Pioneering Sustainability in Construction

This firm is setting new benchmarks in sustainable construction, with more than ten buildings designed to achieve Zero-Carbon standards. These projects are pursuing International Living Future Institute (ILFI) and LEED Platinum certification, placing Washington, D.C., on the map as a leader in reducing carbon emissions. It evaluates, utilizes, and tracks construction materials and techniques to reduce embedded carbon emissions by more than 30%. The company is currently constructing the largest multifamily building in the world to seek Net Zero certification, a testament to its commitment to decarbonization.

Redbrick employs state-of-the-art energy systems in its buildings, reducing operational energy by over 40% compared to the 2021 D.C. multifamily median. The holistic approach to decarbonization optimizes design, construction, and operational systems, pushing the envelope on a reduction-first approach.

Community Engagement: The Heart of Redbrick LMD

Redbrick’s commitment to community engagement is the cornerstone of its success. “Centering community is key in our formula for success. This means deeply listening to understand the vision and values held by neighbors,” emphasizes Lindsay Morton, Vice President of Community Engagement and Corporate Impact. The company works closely with community and faith leaders, neighborhood groups, and elected officials to ensure its plans are inclusive and aligned with community goals.

The company’s focus on community includes creating job and career pathways, partnering with local businesses, providing missing resources, and increasing access to affordable housing. Opportunity Zone investing is a unique investment vehicle that combines tax incentives with the chance to be part of a city’s revolution, facilitating positive change in underserved communities.

Innovation: The Catalyst for Growth

A clear vision for the future drives Redbrick’s innovative approach to real estate development. The company communicates this vision internally, aligning the entire organization toward achieving its goals.

“Having studied economics with the late great Nobel Laureate Robert Solow, I view innovation as transforming creative concepts into tangible outcomes that improve efficiency and effectiveness or address unmet needs,” Skinner shares. “Innovation is not a single leap forward but a series of continuous improvements. It is an iterative process as optimizing one element of a system can more often than not result in a need to re-optimize another element.”

Five years ago, the company’s commitment to decarbonization set a long-term objective to design a CLT (cross-laminated timber) residential building that could achieve net-zero carbon certification at a cost comparable to a concrete structure. Today, Redbrick LMD is just months away from achieving this goal, placing it in an industry-leading position.

Looking Ahead: A Legacy of Innovation

Redbrick’s future is bright, with a clear path to develop transformative neighborhoods that showcase the future of urban living. “It is incredibly rewarding to have the opportunity to leave a long-term legacy in the city one calls home,” Skinner says. The company is also exploring the possibility of fostering an innovation district on a portion of the land it owns or controls, further contributing to the innovation ecosystem locally and nationally.

“We have encountered many people who have questioned our direction. And then, when one finally achieves one’s goals, everyone looks to jump on the bandwagon or say it was obvious all along,” Skinner reflects. His final message is a powerful reminder to “stay true to oneself and one’s vision.”

Redbrick LMD is more than a real estate development company; it’s a catalyst for change, fostering sustainable and inclusive communities in Washington, D.C. Through its visionary approach, commitment to sustainability, and deep-rooted community engagement, Redbrick is paving the way for a future where urban living is not just about structures but about enhancing the quality of life for all. Redbrick is a testament to the power of vision, perseverance, and the belief that responsible development can transform cities and lives.

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