Investing heavily in technology and innovation, the company has established itself as a benchmark in the country’s Legaltech market. The founder and CEO, Hamilton Andreatta, takes pride in being an example for his city, state, and nation. Headquartered in Curitiba, Preâmbulo has been operating as a legal solutions ecosystem for 35-years, offering a diversified portfolio capable of effectively meeting the various needs of law firms and legal departments. Currently, the company has six thousand clients, over 40 thousand users, and approximately 11 million processes managed within its solutions. Preâmbulo understands that the pursuit of technological innovation is not just another differentiator but a fundamental requirement for business success. The CPJ-3C software, a highlight of its work, has been voted three times consecutively as the most widely used in Brazil. The company provides a wide range of tools that assist legal professionals in various activities. Hamilton celebrates the constant technological updates and the platform’s ability to adapt to the needs of lawyers. Preâmbulo Tech is part of the innovation ecosystem in the capital and state of Paraná, a source of great pride for the founder, who emphasizes, “We were born in Curitiba, an example of intelligence and progress for the world. We are part of the technological revolution in the southern part of the country, which motivates us to make innovation our main focus.” The company offers efficient legal management, covering consultancy and litigation, including active and passive portfolios.

“Our commitment is, and always will be, to innovation” — Hamilton Andreatta CEO & Founder
Its automated platform uses artificial intelligence to streamline document production and facilitate the completion of procedural documents. Aware of the need for integration between the legal universe and the financial world, Preâmbulo Tech recently launched Preâmbulo Bank, a fintech exclusively focused on the legal market, providing financial credit, insurance and distressed solutions to lawyers.
Having gone through different phases of modernization in the Brazilian legal system, the company is now reaping the rewards by combining experience with the ability to adapt to Legal 4.0. It has a robust ecosystem that caters to the needs of law firms, providing procedural, financial, and collection management. Using tools that integrate technology and innovation, Preâmbulo Tech seeks to optimize operational processes, ensuring more efficiency and modernization for the legal profession. Anticipating the future, the company maintains its mission to develop products that facilitate the routine of its clients. Andreia Narcizo, Director of Marketing at Lawtech, emphasizes that “evolution do not stop, and artificial intelligence will play a central role in data analysis, legal research, and the optimization of complex processes”. She emphasizes that the implementation of automation and the adoption of technological solutions can result in operational efficiency, cost reduction, process optimization, and the seizing of opportunities.