Electricity is a vital component of the American economy and way of life. The Powering America team supplies the determined, dependable talent that all this critical work requires. Between our 16,000 electrical contractors and 300,000 skilled construction professionals in the U.S., we have established a track record in virtually every electrical enterprise. This team consists of craftsperson who are members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and members of the National Electrical Contractors Association.

Critical to our every-day lives but often operating in the background is industrial work: plants, factories, and refineries. Each manufacturing or producing the things we use daily without a second thought. No team in the past 100 years has been more active than Powering America in building and maintaining the facilities that collectively make up America’s industrial might. We understand the financial and environmental risk of the owner that must be satisfied before these facilities go online as well as have trained professionals with skills to complete these complex facilities successfully and safely.

Pioneering advancements in energy technology has long been a hallmark of Powering America. Our members set themselves apart by combining cuttingedge innovation with technological expertise. That dedication to progress is on full display with our leading approach to lighting – with new methods that benefit not only customers and clients but the environment as well.
America’s goal of expanding alternative energy sources – solar, wind, biofuels, fuel cells – ultimately includes an expanding role for electricity. For more than three decades, the Powering America team has been out front in the energy revolution. Powering America has been instrumental in developing the “Smart Grid”, making the use of new and alternative energy sources possible. Powering America’s solar training effort was the first in the nation and, nationally, its wind power training is leading-edge.

Our team helps design highly efficient, even “Zero Net”, construction projects and performs energy audits and retrofits for existing buildings. Our expertise helps ensure that the right electrical systems are installed, so that customers lower their energy costs and quickly recover their investments.
In Jacksonville, our team has a significant presence in the health care market. With clinics, urgent care, ambulatory facilities and additions and renovations to existing structures, hospital construction today now shares a significant percentage of project investment dollars. Deeply understanding the unique challenges and complex government regulations that go into healthcare projects allows us to drive progress in this segment of the market.

Powering America has a commitment to lifelong learning. This begins with our self-funded, multimillion-dollar Electrical Training Alliance, which ensures every construction professional walking onto the job is up to the task. Our rigorous curriculum requires thousands of hours of technical, classroom, and on-the-job training. Our continuing education upon graduation, available for every level of worker, equips the Powering America workforce with the knowledge to remain competitive over the course of their careers. We are committed to safety, skill, and productivity. Our pre-planning, pre-construction and certification process assistance allows us to work alongside owners from day one to turn any design or concept into a production reality.