Mom Juice is our very own unconventional love story. A blind business lunch date turned into a dynamic friendship, and years later, a lucrative business opportunity that helps us bring women and mothers together over a glass of wine. Because if people are getting together, trust and believe wine will be involved. Wine has always been that girl—just like you.
Let us introduce ourselves and hopefully, we can snag an invite to your next girl’s night.
Mom Juice in DC
We’ve partnered with District Motherhued for multiple years. The Momference® is powered by District Motherhued® – the premier organization dedicated to creating experiences and providing resources for (millennial) moms of color based in the D.C. Metropolitan area. Momference® is the floral paradise of rejuvenation and Black mama empowerment! From wellness practices to career development strategies, there’s something to help every mom bloom to her fullest potential.
About Kristin Taylor
Growing up surrounded by strong women in Virginia, I was never afraid to get my hands dirty. I have always known the influence of powerful women who cultivate transformative moments with their hands, through the meals they prepare for their loved ones. I strive to follow in their footsteps, creating and caring for friends and family – and that’s really where Mom Juice began. However, it was a visit to a vineyard in Italy with my family that set me on a tangible path of creativity and a lifelong appreciation for sensory experiences centered around food. I remember the smell of tomatoes punctuating the air, and the mesmerizing aromas of delicious sauces wafting over us as we walked through the streets.
Mom Juice has been an exercise in getting women and mothers – just like me – to revel in the communal moments we have always shared. The secrets we share, the joys we celebrate, the things we mourn, and even (or especially) the mundane. What’s better than taking a moment after a long day of meetings, emails, and school drop-offs than relaxing with a beautiful glass of wine? Or several… Whether you’re drinking with your girlfriends, your spouse, or even by yourself, Mom Juice knows that you deserve that glass.
We started Mom Juice in 2020 after months of late nights, tears, and so many bottles of wine. When we developed our brand, we didn’t want to just put out wine — we wanted to change the entire narrative about motherhood. We are two women of color who want to leave a legacy for our children, the same way our mothers did for us.