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Users can shape the metaverse. Unlike any other internet technology before it, Web 3.0 has the potential to be a deep space to  , explore, and unleash our creativity. The metaverse can do good in the real world; it can have an immense social impact.


Mission Impact is empowering women leaders across industries looking to reshape the world in the next decade by utilizing Web3 and emerging technologies.

Mission Impact is a membership network that empowers women to lead the movement of shaping the next wave of emerging technologies and drive new solutions for today’s global challenges. By joining forces, MI members elevate one another’s position and influence in the fast-moving Web3 world and generate a lasting impact in the real world.

The need for a Web3 & Metaverse-focused women’s leadership network was born from the personal experiences of founders Tarja and Janna.

When they ventured into the fast-growing Web3 space with a background in brand activations and business consulting, many of the women they knew from the business world started reaching out to them. They wanted to understand more about metaverse and Web3 but didn’t know where to start.

All of the women were asking the same questions about how to get started in the Web3 space. What were the business-critical building blocks needed for the companies to enter the metaverse? How could they be ready for the new wave of technologies? How could they have a leading role in shaping the future of the internet? Tarja and Janna realized the huge need and potential to invite women from different companies, and industries for curated roundtables where they would share knowledge, ideas, and together source successful strategies around the Web3 and the metaverse. As Tarja mentions, ‘When women come together to support each other, powerful things will follow’.

From these impactful roundtable experiences and the need to facilitate a trusted space for women to innovate and share knowledge, the initiative of Mission Impact (MI) was born. The MI leadership network disrupts the typical consulting services by inviting women to make change from within their companies. We bring women in leadership positions from different companies, backgrounds, and industries to join our highly vetted network to receive personalized Web3 and leadership training from world-leading industry pioneers. This way, women leaders experience first-hand what the metaverse looks and play a significant role in how it is built.

Tarja Stephens and Janna Salokangas, Metaverse Impact Founders


Co-founded and co-created by Tarja Stephens and Janna Salokangas, Mission Impact has two feet on two continents: Tarja is based in Miami, USA, and Janna in Helsinki, Finland. The objective of Mission Impact is to bring business-critical Web3 resources to companies by inviting their women leaders to join the MI network. Inside the community, leaders gain exclusive access to the latest knowledge, resources, and business critical training from instructors who are the leading Web3 pioneers around the world.

Members receive personalized assistance inside the network and with the help of their own ‘Web3 Guide’ are able to navigate the different topics and real-world projects. What makes this training very unique is that MI leverages the latest technology to create premium metaverse experiences to offer “metaverse field trips” and immersive demo experiences. These first-hand experiences allow members to see how metaverses are built, giving extraordinary value to reimagine the future of the internet.

Women don’t have to just watch from the sidelines; they can (and should) influence and be part of building new physical and virtual realities. “We’re only in the infancy of Web 3.0 technologies and metaverse development. We are at the intersection of many worlds that consist of physical and virtual experiences, and MI is building a trusted space for women by women. This is the opportunity of a lifetime to be part of building the future – but it also comes with a lot of responsibilities. With our collective community, we are empowering women to join forces, taking the lead in building the new digital worlds that have diversity, sustainability, and inclusion at their core” says Janna.

Mission Impact envisions a world where women are stepping into their full potential and are at the frontier of creating the future.

“We’re passionate about the limitless possibilities of Web 3.0. By connecting women leaders and providing them with trusted resources, our members are able to share knowledge, grow together, and elevate each other’s position and influence in this new fast-moving world.” explains Tarja.


What makes the Tarja and Janna a power duo is their shared vision, aligned values and a greater purpose of meaningful creation. Living across the globe from each other, they met by chance in 2021 and immediately connected with their shared passion for impact-driven projects and having the same purpose-driven mindset. When the duo launched Mission Impact, their focus was finding ways to empower women not only to have a leading role in the Web3 space but also to help them see their own potential as global changemakers.

“Our mission is to empower women to create lives that will leave fingerprints on this planet for generations to come,” said Tarja. Mission Impact is where women leaders can unite to collaborate on opportunities, exchange ideas, source strategies, and generate a lasting impact in the real world.

The Great Resignation has changed the workplace for good during the last two years. “There is a big shift happening in the business world and the next wave of digital transformation is here. Women are now stepping back and starting to reimagine how the world will look like for the next decade and how they can be part of shaping the future together, today” Janna added.

“We are on day one of Web 3.0 and we are very excited to see where our journey takes us” says Janna. “As the emerging technologies will see exponential growth in the coming years and the demand for education will grow dramatically, we are here to connect and empower”.

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