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INNOVATE® New Jersey

“When leaders leap, civilization leaps and we can collectively emerge into a new paradigm of leadership — we all Leap!”

Micheline Nader is dedicated to empowering people through transformational leadership. In her book, LEAP Beyond Success, Micheline introduces LEAP—Lean, Execute, Align, and Program—a transformational system designed for leaders who want to accelerate their growth and impact. Building from the groundbreaking ideas in her 2015 bestseller The Dolphin’s Dance, Micheline describes what lies beyond success, offering a wealth of knowledge for leaders ready to leverage their passions and master the arts of self-development and social impact.

“The road we follow in life is not always a steady progression of promotions over the course of a career or lifetime. Sometimes leadership is thrust upon us unexpectedly, and we rise to meet it. At a very young age, I discovered the leader I was born to become.” With the belief that every experience in life is a lesson and opportunity for growth, Micheline has devoted her life and career to identifying, nurturing, and growing leaders – especially female leaders – of tomorrow. Her mission is transforming people’s passion into purpose by empowering leaders and individuals to create their own opportunities from the future and not be hindered by the past.

As a healthcare entrepreneur, Micheline founded and led the Blue Dolphin Healthcare Group, where she built, owned, and managed a chain of skilled nursing home facilities in the Midwest. After 15 years of operations, Micheline successfully sold her company to a publicly-listed healthcare group.

She is currently the CEO of Jesra Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to creating breakthroughs in health and education. She holds several degrees, including a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Nursing, a Master’s Degree in Public Health, and a Doctoral Degree in Healthcare Management.

Micheline serves as a trustee of the board of directors of Fairleigh Dickinson University, chairs the advisory board of the Silberma College of Business and serves on other national boards. She continues to empower and enrich individuals by developing and implementing innovative content through her workshops and as a writer, as well as adding value to the institutions she serves.

“Our uniqueness is the positive power that propels us forward. If we harness this energy and express it with clarity, authenticity, and focused action, it will infuse our life and our work. Fulfillment is the place where that innate passion meets our burning desire to contribute our purpose to the world.”Micheline shares.

Growing consciousness
Her passion is to teach individuals the skills to develop their awareness and conscious leadership to lead and leap from the future and grow beyond their success.

She shares: “With the digital revolution, individuals tend to become egocentric and focused on their own success. People are more focused on taking pictures with a smile and blasting them over social media instead of creating a real moment of happiness. They are interested in becoming famous over creating good.”

“The challenge will be to move us to become ecocentric and bring people around us to succeed. We will lose interpersonal connectedness if we don’t develop our social awareness and empathy. Developing these qualities through making personal and professional transformational work accessible is a necessity. It is why I dedicate my life to writing, leading workshops, and creating courses focused on this much-needed content.”

Embracing the digital revolution
Throughout her career, Micheline has understood and embraced the tools and opportunities presented by education. From building a healthcare group and an extensive career in hospital administration, she identifies today’s online technology as a springboard for education and entrepreneurship opportunities for female and underprivileged people.

As a woman, Micheline is profoundly aware of the benefits of education she has enjoyed in her life. She is determined to make that opportunity available to other women as well. Micheline firmly believes that the world’s politics would be very different if more women were represented in public life. For that to happen, she feels that society needs to make it possible for more women to get an education. That’s where online education will transform lives and the future.

While the digital revolution redefines people’s daily lives and constantly evolves, Micheline believes that “conscious businesses, social uprisings for equality, and radical movements, will strengthen to counterbalance the changes. It will result in more online businesses and education opportunities, and colleges will focus more on entrepreneurial leadership and lifelong learners.

She continues: “Home entertainment and gaming will rise to the levels of virtual reality, and work will move away from the cliches of ‘9-to-5.’”

In terms of healthcare, she reckons healthcare will suffer from staff shortages, but telemedicine will take over primary care. Societies that create healthcare access at affordable rates will evolve at a much higher speed and make ever greater levels of technological advantages.

“Healthcare has evolved and changed so much since I started. Technology, Biotechnology, big data and AI, have changed the face of healthcare for the better. Those who know how to invest in these technologies, develop them and protect them will be winners. It is a privilege to live in this era with its leaps in medical and healthcare technology.”

“With the explosion of biotechnology and other healthcare applications, “What if consciousness could evolve at the same rate as science and technology?

The big realization that the most important role leaders can have is to serve others. This deep shift occurs when leaders start leading through compassion and extending far beyond their personal gains into societal gains, influencing the future of business and humanity. I call this breakthrough becoming a leaper. Leapers are triple winners: you win/I win/the world wins.

Micheline is passionate about her vision. It drives her with a burning motivation to coach and guide emerging leaders who want to create success and help established leaders who long to have fulfillment in their life.

Her tools to catalyze the transformation for individuals are practical and powerful. The world needs more of these kinds of leaders.

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