Kate Black

Shareholder - Greenberg Traurig, P. A.



“Miami Is Becoming A Healthtech Innovation Hub.”

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“Miami is Becoming A HealthTech Innovation Hub.”

Kate Black, Shareholder – Greenberg Traurig, P. A.

Miami has a singularly scrappy, entrepreneurial spirit, making it well situated to become a regional technology hub that plays a vital role in connecting the global economy – especially in healthcare, life sciences, and consumer wellness. The work being done in our backyard today will likely one day make a tremendous impact on the quality of our everyday lives.

I am passionate about applying my experience to Miami’s nascent health technology ecosystem in the belief that I can be a part of its continued success. By helping to connect our healthcare and life sciences tech companies to experienced innovators in Silicon Valley and regulators in Washington, D.C., I can provide the crucially important links that help them grow. My ability to create these links derives from my time with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, where I worked on health technology adoption, interoperability, and governance. Later, at 23andMe, I helped build the company’s consumer privacy function to enable its growth into a multi-billion-dollar company.

Building these connections in Miami is something I particularly enjoy, as I know that ultimately, they will benefit our city, its people, and the region.

Another important step in Miami’s tech growth includes training a diverse, tech-savvy workforce. I believe early education is key, which is why I volunteer with Code/Art, a Miami-based nonprofit, that uses art as an onramp to teach coding to girls in grades 4-12. Code/Art and its CodeHER clubs hold community workshops and events to teach students how to write computer programs that generate art while highlighting the need for more gender and racial diversity in computer science.

Babson’s Women Innovating Now (WIN) Venture Lab, where I serve as an advisor, provides equally important and complementary expertise to the Miami tech ecosystem by fostering female founders. This program offers women entrepreneurs a five-month residency and the road map, expertise, inspiration, and community support to succeed in growing their business.

Every day, Miami continues to grow into a hub for healthcare, life sciences, and consumer wellness companies. As we continue to leverage our resources, I’m excited to be a part of Miami taking its place as a top global leader in health technology.

About Kate Black:

Kate joined Greenberg Traurig’s Data Privacy, Healthcare, and Technology practices in 2019. She regularly advises consumer technology, health, and life sciences companies on data protection and use strategy to advance innovative models of healthcare research and delivery, and consumer health and wellness applications.

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