Kaddex is a decentralized exchange in the Kadena ecosystem. Kadena was founded by two J.P Morgan alumni who felt the biggest challenge with the blockchain and DeFi was scalability. In 2016 they created a new type of blockchain technology that solves the blockchain trilemma of security, scalability, and decentralization. Kadena uses a braided multi-chain framework as well as an advanced smart contract language called PACT that enables formal verification of smart contracts, leading to a more secure DeFi ecosystem.

Kaddex holds a critical role within the greater Kadena ecosystem. Ultimately, it will offer numerous useful tools and products to serve the community. Primarily, Kaddex is a decentralized exchange for swapping various crypto assets. Kaddex is also working to improve every Kadena user’s experience through X-Wallet, a Kadena-native web-extension and mobile wallet that seamlessly integrates with the Kadena Blockchain.
X-Wallet is the crypto wallet of the Kadena ecosystem where users have secure access to their tokens. They are building a wallet with a user-friendly interface, making use of Kadena’s Gas Station smart contracts. That means transactions within X-Wallet are completely gas-free for users, who don’t have to pay any transaction fees for moving crypto in and out of their wallet.
Kaddex is also trying to resolve some of the security challenges within the blockchain – mainly around the issues of DAOs, or Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. Taking a research driven approach to forming DAOs, Kaddex is working to introduce new technologies that counteract many different attack vectors found within the current DeFi landscape, moving web3 towards a more secure future for all.