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Founded under the visionary leadership of Paula Fernandes de Siqueira Machado, Intecso emerged in response to the challenges encountered in research and development within the feed industry. Motivated by her passion for innovation, Paula spearheaded the development of disruptive industrial processes in the soybean processing chain. Recognizing the obstacles and needs of the agribusiness market, she identified an opportunity for innovation beyond the confines of the soy industry. This led to the creation of Intecso, a pioneering company that hosts an all-in-one laboratory to manage the complexities of coordinating multiple laboratories for comprehensive quality assurance standards, product studies, and the development of processes and products.

Commitment to Quality and Markets: Choosing Intecso ensures more than just a laboratory; it guarantees comprehensive solutions tailored for both the export and Brazilian markets. Our dedicated commercial and technical team is poised to interpret reports and address inquiries, showcasing our commitment to method adequacy, quantification limits, and deadlines. This dedication underscores our promise to provide bespoke solutions that cater to specific needs.

Origin and Growth: Founded with a focus on providing rapid and efficient analyses for Brazilian commodities, Intecso swiftly gained prominence in the export market. Collaborations with major agribusiness players and the prestigious ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025:2017 certification highlight our commitment to quality. Additional certifications from GAFTA, FOSFA, GMP+, and MAPA further solidify our position across sectors such as grains, processed foods, and animal feed products.

Comprehensive Services: Distinguishing itself as the most comprehensive in the market, Intecso’s laboratory houses nine distinct departments, offering a diverse range of over 3000 analysis tests—all conveniently available in a single location. This ensures agility at every stage of the process, with our laboratory proficiently processing more than 100 different types of products daily.

Efficient Logistics: Our strategic Logistics department facilitates daily collection routes, ensuring swift sample transport within one business day. Proximity to airports and ports enhances our efficiency in this crucial aspect of the analysis process.

Innovation and Contribution: Through an innovative approach, our company has pioneered industrial processes aiming to efficiently repurpose agribusiness waste into valuable resources. Moreover, we have developed innovative methods for detecting and decontaminating agricultural products, ensuring both food safety and quality. These groundbreaking initiatives have led to the acquisition of several patents, showcasing our leadership in developing sustainable, technologically advanced solutions for the agribusiness industry.

Our Journey and Mission: At Intecso, our journey is marked by a commitment to excellence, dedication to innovation, and a steadfast mission to contribute to the advancement of the Brazilian and international markets through unparalleled quality in analyses and services. As we continue to grow, our focus remains on pioneering excellence in laboratory analysis and technology development, setting new standards in the industry.

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