Holberton School




INNOVATE Puerto Rico

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INNOVATE® Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico’s technology scene has been a prominent driver of economic growth over the last few years. The changes driven by the global pandemic have made it evident that we rely on technology for our everyday lives. These conditions are creating a higher-than-ever demand for tech skilled professionals. For Puerto Rico to attract and support the growth of tech-centered businesses and industries, workforce development must be at the top of the priorities list for the public and private sector. Here’s where Holberton School comes in.

Established in Puerto Rico in September 2020, Holberton is the premier software engineering school on a global basis, with 33 campuses in 20 countries. Holberton’s proven methodology allows incoming students with little or no programming experience, and no higher education prerequisites to become Software Engineers in under 2 years. What makes Holberton different? Why is it so successful in producing topquality software development professionals? The answer lies in its curriculum, methodology and accessibility.

Holberton’s curriculum is created, reviewed and updated by leading industry professionals from around the globe. It constantly changes and improves according to the most recent market developments, so Holberton students are always at the forefront. In addition to the web based curriculum, the students’ learning process is enriched with frequent Tech Talks and Fireside chats from visiting experts. Holberton is all about real-world learning, and real-world skills.

Holberton’s methodology rests on 3 strong concepts. First, it is 100% project-based learning. It is a hands-on approach that has students coding from week one. Holberton believes the best way to learn is by doing, and that is why our graduates have a practical advantage versus students from other higher learning institutions.

Second, we aim to mimic a real-world work environment where collaboration and teamwork is not only expected, but necessary. Peer learning days, daily stand-ups, and mock interviews are mandatory and serve as opportunities for collaborative learning and for acquiring the critical soft skills in demand by employers.

Third, it is evident that technology evolves at a fast pace and that no school would be able to teach it all. At Holberton, students acquire, by design, a framework for lifelong learning. Holbies learn to learn. When they face new technologies and challenges in the work environment, they have a system in place to quickly learn, and adapt.

Holberton School’s mission is centered on inclusivity and diversity. We aim to change the face of the Tech industry by increasing accessibility of our program to all motivated and talented individuals regardless of their socioeconomic background. We lower the barriers to entry by not requiring prior experience, and by not asking for upfront payment. With a deferred payment option, Holberton students only begin to pay for their education once they graduate and start earning at least $30,000. 2021 Holberton Puerto Rico graduates were hired at an average salary of $61,000, 50% more than the market average, and were employed within 45 days of graduating.

Holberton Puerto Rico’s successful, scalable, model supports the development of a highly skilled tech talent workforce to help position the island as an innovation-driven economy and a competitive player in the global arena. For more information about enrollment, hiring our graduates, or to schedule a visit, please call 787-296-9300, or go to: holbertonschoolpr.com

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