INNOVATE Puerto Rico

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INNOVATE® Puerto Rico

Olmar López Vidal has over thirteen years of experience and has been involved with projects in Municipal Non-Hazardous Solid Waste s, primarily in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. His experience includes gas (LFG) systems, gas to energy systems (LFGTE), leachate treatment, leachate pumps, closure, post-closure maintenance and MRF (Materials Recovery or Recycling Facilities) design.

An educational background in Business Administration and graduate studies in Solid and Liquid Waste Treatment and Management merge with his passion for the Solid Waste Industry and interest in positively impacting the Caribbean Region that has shaped him. Demonstrating his commitment to broadening his knowledge and expertise in the subject, in 2017, Olmar attended and completed the Solid Waste Design Course from the Department of Engineering – Professional Development from the University of Wisconsin. Additionally, he has held Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) certifications such as Recycling Systems Manager, Manager, Manager of Collection Systems, Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems Manager, and Manager of Compost Systems. Notably, he has been overseeing or assisting in project management, design, and installation of eight (8) Major Gas (LFG) systems & two (2) Gas-to-Energy (LFG-to-E) projects in Puerto Rico over the last decade.

Olmar’s robust understanding of the scientific, technical, operational, and regulatory aspects of the energy industry make him not only competent but unparalleled in capabilities, to lead the BGF mission as CEO. As the President and CEO of Biomass Green Fuels, LLC (BGF), Olmar intends to mastermind a new vision for the Gas (RLNG) and Renewable Carbon Dioxide (RCO2) in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. BGF’s first venture is a $29.8M LFG to RLNG project, endorsed and in compliance with the United State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER). The project involves the use of raw LFG produced at the El Coquí (ECL) located in Humacao, Puerto Rico with the overall goal of reducing emissions by 90%. Aside from being used for power generation, the extracted and purified gas will serve as renewable and recycled gas products in Puerto Rico, replacing fossil fuels and fossil resources. BGF’s RLNG from s will be the first and only Gas which is 100% domestically produced in Puerto Rico and renewable.

The is operated by EC Waste, in full compliance with the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA). EC Waste site is currently wholly owned and operated by EC Waste, with whom BGF has a long-term contract for the Gas (LFG) rights. The site has been active since 1973 as a sanitary and it is projected to continue operating until the year 2092. The average disposal rate of this facility is approximately 2,000 tons per day of municipal solid waste (MSW), hauled primarily from the Municipality of San Juan and adjacent municipalities. Since 2010, the LFG Collection and Control System has operated with good quality LFG (50% or greater methane content).

In finer detail, Biomass Green Fuels LLC. (BGF) has developed a Biorefinery to produce electricity, purify pipeline-quality Renewable Liquefied Natural Gas (RLNG) from gas (LFG), and subsequent production of Renewable Carbon Dioxide (RCO2) from industrial and commercial use.

Renewable Liquefied Natural Gas (RLNG), has notable environmental benefits when used as opposed to other gases. All locally produced gases provide a more secure energy future for the island BGF clients not only benefit the prosperity of the island, they also qualify for the only fuel source with a “Made in Puerto Rico” seal.

The cost of BGF’s Renewable Liquefied Natural Gas (RLNG) is 30-40% less expensive than imported fossil LNG. Since gas (LFG) will be used to power the plant’s own electric power generation, BGF is considered a carbon neutral and 100% renewable facility. After being processed as previously described, any rejected gas generated will be diverted to an onsite reciprocating engine generator to produce electricity for the plant as well as to supply EC Waste’s site needs. Hence, the project will be 100% sustainable, free from any fossil fuel use or interconnection to the power grid. BGF’s vision is to develop several more LFG to RLNG projects in Puerto Rico, the Caribbean basin, Mainland United States, and continue to reduce GHG emissions and contamination.

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