The Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce is a catalyst to help members grow, improve and protect their businesses. It’s dedicated to building the best environment for business in the Americas and committed to improving the economic vitality of South Florida by educating and advocating for solutions to members’ business needs.

For more than a century the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce has been a social and economic engine guiding Miami through history, from a small seaside hamlet to an international business and finance leader of the new global economy.
The Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce is the proud voice of the South Florida business community and a civic engine that fuels the advancement of our great city. Founded in 1907 as the Miami Board of Trade, today’s Chamber boasts representing more than 400,000-member company employees and is heralded for its legacy of leadership in economic development, and its unwavering commitment to improving the Miami-Dade community.

We understand that Miami’s private sector is the most imaginative and powerful resource the city has to getting things done that positively impact our businesses and our lifestyles. By coming together, we involve some of this community’s best and brightest in addressing current challenges and in implementing programs that position the region for future success through new Miami business and young professional mentorship.
To carry out our mission, we focus on seven primary areas: Disruption, Governmental Affairs, Industry Growth, International Business, Leadership Programs, Marketing, Membership & Strategic Revenue Growth, and Urban/Community Growth.

Supporting the Greater Miami Chamber’s efforts is the South Florida Progress Foundation, a not-for-profit arm that invests in programs and activities designed to improve the quality of life in Miami-Dade. Additionally, members are invited and encouraged to participate in special committees, educational seminars and conferences, member-to-member programs, new business development trips, advertising and sponsorship opportunities, networking receptions, young professional mentorship and special events – totaling more than 150 events each year.
The Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce succeeds because Miami’s finest business leaders get involved. Join us and let’s work together to grow our companies and improve the community we call home. It’s good for business and it’s good for everyone.