Gravital is a B2B performance-driven digital marketing agency and consulting firm specializing in growth strategies, marketing solutions and sales enablement.



INNOVATE Puerto Rico

As Featured In:

INNOVATE® Puerto Rico

Enhancing Sustainable Business Growth Via Digital Marketing
We believe in producing meaningful outcomes that impact our customers’ bottom line, not in winning awards for flashy campaigns.



The Digital Connection
We recognized the awesome reach and power of digital marketing and what it could do for brands seeking growth and expansion to new markets. Digital marketing is more effective than traditional marketing at reaching, attracting and engaging target audiences, thus helping companies convert prospect customers into loyal customers.

We jumped at the opportunity of bringing people and organizations together through meaningful digital connections.

Filling a Gap
We saw a need for a new, customer-centric agency model whose ultimate purpose is to deliver value in order to help brands meet their goals, improve their bottom line and grow. We decided to fill that gap.

Unlike traditional agencies that focus on reaching the largest possible audience, Gravital focuses on reaching the right audience at the right time in the right place. Successful marketing campaigns are not about how many people see a brand’s message or ad, but about how many of them ultimately act on it.

There Had to Be a Better Way
We also noticed that many marketing and advertising agencies engage in self-serving, cut-throat practices that focus on squeezing as much money from their clients as possible. That’s not our way. We strongly believe that we can succeed at our craft by being honest, trustworthy, helpful and kind, and we were right.

We Can’t Help It
We love what we do. For us, it’s not just about helping our clients reach their goals and grow in the direction they want. It’s also about making this world a better place by creating jobs, boosting the economy and helping our society prosper.


Meticulously Curated
We design custom-tailored digital marketing strategies that close the loop between sales and marketing, deliver superior ROI and help our clients grow their businesses.

Results We Can Measure
In addition to laser-focused targeting, our brand of performance-driven digital marketing eliminates the guesswork out of marketing. For decades, the traditional marketing and advertising industry has struggled with accountability. An inability to measure results and a habit of producing ambiguous reports has led to a general lack of credibility and trustworthiness in that industry.

Gravital’s results are quantitative. Data analytics allows us to ensure that our digital marketing efforts are efficient and effective. Our clients can see how their marketing campaigns are paying off based on metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) such as organic search traffic, website visitors, landing page bounce rates, new account signups, ecommerce reports, social media analytics, and other lead generation, search engine optimization (SEO) and sales growth KPIs.

Gravital brings innovation to the table by providing novel solutions to old and new marketing problems.

We saw that brands were struggling with significant marketing and advertising costs without the benefit of measurable outcomes, and we decided to offer a solution to this key pain point. We offer additional value to clients through a combination of digital marketing services–such as content marketing, SEO, website development, pay-per-click (PPC), marketing analytics, among other tactics–and sales enablement and growth strategies.

Not Bound by Geography
As a digital marketing agency that relies on the latest technology to operate and deploy solutions, Gravital can export its services anywhere in the world.

Sustainable Growth
Successful digital marketing is an objective to a much higher goal: sustainable growth strategies that build stronger business, which in turn fuel economic and social development in Puerto Rico and beyond.

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