The Industrial City of Curitiba (Cidade Industrial de Curitiba – CIC), was founded on July 8, 1973. It is the largest neighborhood in the city of Curitiba in terms of geographic area (43.38km²). Today Cidade Industrial is the most populous neighborhood in Curitiba with approximately 220,000 people. In the mid-90s there was a huge increase in the city’s industrial activities, as around 60% of companies started operating.

The Companies Association of the Curitiba Industrial City (Associação das Empresas da Cidade Industrial de Curitiba – AECIC), was founded on March 24, 1977 by the directors of the main companies in the neighborhood. Understanding that together, these companies would have greater strength in seeking to solve problems, AECIC emerged, becoming an association with great notability among business leaders and government bodies, giving them local, state and federal representation. The entity has a modern headquarters, used to carry out various activities.
The administration of AECIC is carried out by a group of directors, representatives of associated companies, who act on a voluntary basis to strengthen the region’s business class. Maintains a close cooperative relationship with municipal and state agents.
Promote the integration of the entity with associated companies, acting in two areas:
- As a facilitator in the provision of services in areas of interest to the membership;
- As a protagonist in relevant topics in the business field.

Recently, after the Covid 19 pandemic passed, the Association’s action proposals were reorganized. Programs created to encourage the modernization of companies’ operations with an emphasis on ESG and innovation practices, without losing sight of, objectively, the most relevant social issues.
The program with the greatest impact on management innovation was launched this year. After several studies together with the largest companies in our region and to meet a proposal to strengthen the strategic axis of local development, we launched (in partnership with SEBRAE) the Partner Supplier Training program. The methodology already tested and applied by SEBRAE guaranteed the success of the initiative, which had a final assessment of 92% approval by participating companies. Basically, the action seeks the development of small and medium-sized companies in the region to enable their participation in the supplier network of large local companies. The program started in 2023 will continue in the coming years and aims to support some of the thousands of local companies to be better and more competitive.