Empowering the Next Generation



EmBossed 3D

As Featured In:

INNOVATE® Washington DMV Edition

EmBossed 3D

As Featured In:

INNOVATE® Washington DMV Edition

GoPursue is a revolutionary organization transforming the landscape of career exploration for K-12 students. This vibrant social impact company has carved a unique niche in the educational technology space, addressing critical gaps in workforce development and career preparedness.

Founded by Kathryn Adabonyan, a former math teacher and career and technical education leader, GoPursue aims to democratize access to career opportunities and mentorship for the youth, particularly those who benefit from increased access.

A Vision Born from Necessity

Kathryn’s journey to founding GoPursue is both personal and poignant. “At 17, I committed myself and my family to $120,000 in college debt to pursue an undeclared major. I had no idea what careers existed beyond the traditional roles everyone talked about,” she recalls.

Her experience highlights a widespread issue in our educational system: students are often propelled toward higher education without adequate career exploration, leading to significant debt and uncertainty about their future paths.

This realization prompted Kathryn to reimagine career exploration. “Whynot provide students with the tools to discover their career potential before this pivotal point?” she questioned.

Innovative Approach to Career Exploration

GoPursue is distinguished by its approach to connecting students with real-world professionals and opportunities. “What if we had a Bumble dating app for career exploration?” Kathryn pondered during the pandemic, drawing parallels between social networking and career mentoring. This led to the creation of a platform where students can safely interact with mentors across various industries, gaining invaluable insights and building social capital early in their lives.

“Our company’s innovation lies not just in our technology but in our resolve that workforce development is equally crucial in high school as it is in higher education,” Kathryn explains. The platform allows students to explore over 450 career paths, engage with mentors, and find work opportunities with local employers—all facilitated through a user-friendly app that embodies flexibility and connectivity.

GoPursue is committed to assisting high school students in exploring various career options, connecting with professionals in those fields, and discovering work opportunities with local employers. Its mission is deeply rooted in empowering students to make informed career choices and ensuring equitable access to any industry. “We do the work that we do because we want students to feel empowered to choose and pursue their ideal careers and have equitable access to any industry,” explains Kathryn.

The company aims to capture the hearts and minds of Generation Z before they advance to college. “It’s widely known that career exploration and career awareness has to start earlier than college because less than 40% of the US population has a four-year degree,” she notes. This statistic highlights the importance of initiating workforce development efforts in the K-12 educational space, as failing to do so would mean overlooking a significant portion of the population.

The objectives of GoPursue extend beyond mere career exploration; they include enhancing economic mobility for students and providing more equitable access to various industries. Kathryn is ambitious about the potential impact of these initiatives: “Ultimately, we’re hoping to close labor shortages or workforce shortages for specific industries that are desperate to capture their incoming talent pipeline.”

Impact and Future Aspirations

The impact of GoPursue is quantifiable and deeply motivational. Kathryn’s vision is driven by the social impact potential of her company. “I’m excited for a societal shift where career connections and exploration start much earlier—potentially as early as elementary school,” she shares. This accessibility is crucial, particularly for students from underrepresented or marginalized communities, giving them the tools to see and believe in the possibilities their futures could hold.

Statistics from GoPursue’s internal tracking show a remarkable trend in engagement and aspiration among its users. Students involved with GoPursue are 90% likely to discover new careers on their first visit, and 100% guaranteed to get career advice from real industry professionals. Students gain confidence and clarity about their career paths through the platform. Kathryn reflects: “Hearing a student say they now have a clear goal after graduation because they talked to someone in their dream job—that’s what drives us.”

The positive feedback from students, parents, educators, and employers continues to fuel GoPursue’s expansion and innovation. Each testimonial and success story is a testament to the platform’s effectiveness and a building block for its future development. As Kathryn looks ahead, she is driven by the potential to scale GoPursue’s impact even further, envisioning a national—if not global—reach that continues to empower young minds to pursue their passions with confidence and support.

Messages of Inspiration

Kathryn leaves two powerful messages. “Live with no regrets,” she advises, a mantra that has guided her through the uncertainties of entrepreneurship. She also encourages budding entrepreneurs to trust their instincts and expertise, even when faced with skepticism. “Heed people’s advice, but if you have industry expertise and have validated your product hypotheses, keep going,” she urges.

GoPursue is a beacon of innovation and social impact, led by a visionary who is changing how students interact with the world of work and how they envision their future in it. Kathryn and her team at GoPursue are crafting a future where every student feels empowered to pursue their ideal career path, fundamentally changing the narrative around career exploration and readiness for future generations.

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