Seamless Transition

Allowing amputees to regain/maintain their active lifestyles



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As Featured In:

INNOVATE® Washington DMV Edition

Washington DMV - final cover 3

As Featured In:

INNOVATE® Washington DMV Edition

Allowing amputees to regain/maintain their active lifestyles

Seamless Transition, headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, is dedicated to transforming the lives of warfighters and Veterans. Led by CEO and Founder Sarah Malinowski, the company’s mission is to introduce groundbreaking prosthetic solutions that go beyond mere functionality, offering unprecedented mobility and freedom to its users.

At the core of Seamless Transition’s innovation lies the Rugged Redemption prosthetic knee. It uses cutting-edge technology designed to seamlessly transition between walking and running. Inspired by the natural movement of the knee, this modernized design minimizes the risk of injuries associated with uneven gaits at high speeds. This provisionally patented prosthetic uses a linkage design, dynamic suspension, and sensors to make this possible.

Rugged Redemption is a versatile prosthetic knee. Unlike traditional prosthetic limbs, Rugged Redemption eliminates the need for multiple devices, ultimately reducing long-term medical costs and simplifying the user experience. The retrofit design allows for easy integration with most current prosthetic limbs, promoting a more natural gait and empowering users to regain and maintain their active lifestyles.

Sarah has her bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering and, while in school, she worked part-time at a local prosthetic clinic. Here is where she met remarkable Veteran amputees. They shared with her the limitations of their current prosthetics and all the activities they had to forgo. “I have always had a fascination with prosthetics, and after these experiences, I knew what I wanted to do—make a prosthetic that mimics our natural leg.” Since then, she has dedicated herself to designing a prosthetic knee capable of such achievements, most notably through her Master thesis in Biomedical Engineering at George Washington University.

There is a growing demand for advanced prosthetic solutions among active individuals worldwide. To understand the reality of such a need in current warfare, Sarah ventured through Ukraine in June 2023. In Ukraine alone, at least 100 warfighters require an above-the-knee prosthetic weekly. Most of these amputees are in their early 30s. Sarah recalls vividly, “Every amputee that I spoke to smiled immediately when they talked about their hobbies. They ranged from jogging with their dog to gardening to boxing.” The need for such advancements is clear. Due to significant advances in both field and emergency medicine, the direct result leads to more warrior survivors, including countless young amputees.

With a full-scale prototype due for completion by the end of June and testing scheduled in July 2024, Seamless Transition is on track to achieve its objectives. There is no better location for this medical device startup than Arlington, Virginia. In addition to a top-notch location, there are undeniably valuable resources and amazing individuals willing to help in every program. Led by CEO Sarah Malinowski and a dedicated team with expertise in medical device technology, business development, and project management, the company is poised to make a meaningful impact, ushering in a new era of mobility and freedom for its users.

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