Xn Québec is Quebec’s digital experiences producers association.
With over 165 member studios, the association represents the key players in the digital creativity industry – producers of original or commissioned content for various platforms, venues and spaces.

It represents the interests of the industry before the public and governmental institutions, brings creators together and promotes the excellence of digital creativity in Québec and internationally.
Over the course of its history, which began in 1997, the association has gone through various incarnations – all devoted to the advancement of digital technology creativity. Originally, its members produced mainly for the new support for interactive digital productions (CD-ROMs); today, their creativity is expressed through virtual, augmented and mixed reality, immersive and interactive experiences, installations and environments, sound universes, or in interactive experiences for mobiles, computers and tablets.

Xn Québec is an active participant in the development of an ecosystem that thrives on innovation – the Quebec digital creativity ecosystem – by organizing events and activities that mobilize key industry players as well as cultural and governmental institutions around common issues, allowing them to share their expertise and generate groundbreaking collaborations.

For example, Xn Québec:
- annually rewards Québec’s digital creative excellence with the NUMIX AWARDS, an event that brings together producers and craftspeople around the achievements and trends of the time, stimulates exchanges and consultative forum which acts as a great laboratory for reflection and collaboration;
- manages the export expertise cluster l’Effet Quebec, whose mission is to support the export activities of innovative digital companies, in particular through a permanent online showcase and a resource center;
- contributed to the development of the Quebec/Canada XR platform, a think tank that supports independent XR, establishes connections between institutions and key players in the sector and published the study Crafting a Market for Independent XR in 2022

A necessary meeting point in a diverse industry, Xn Quebec’s membership includes most of the studios that have helped make Quebec an internationally recognized leader in the creation of unique digital experiences.