
A Vision to Blend Traditional PR With New Media - Podcasts, Blogs and Video




Wired PR launched in Phoenix in June 2008 with a vision to blend traditional PR with new media –– podcasts, blogs, video –– to share the unique stories of companies doing great things and the impassioned people behind them making it happen. The goal was to use alternative media to make impactful connections.


In 2010: Co-created FoodiesLive, a live-streamed cooking show featuring Arizona chefs. In November 2013: Founded SuccessLab, a mastermind group for Phoenix entrepreneurs. In 2017: In partnership with AKOS, co-created the TechTalent Awards, a program dedicated to honoring Arizona’s top emerging tech talent Today, we’re a lean, mean team of tech and marketing geeks serving some of the largest, most innovative tech companies in Phoenix.

In 2008, the concept of “new media” was just beginning to take root. Coming from a background in journalism and PR, I saw this as an opportunity to reshape the way stories were told. In June of that year, I started Wired PR with a focus on leveraging new media and content marketing to provide impassioned business leaders and brands new ways to share their stories without being bound by media gatekeepers. We’ve since grown to a small, but mighty team (some know us as the Golden Girls), plus the four dogs who head our HR (humor relations) department.

Over the years, we’ve launched numerous podcasts, co-created and produced a live-streamed, interactive culinary show called FoodiesLive, launched several web series, and co-created the TechTalent Awards in partnership with agile digital agency AKOS – all of which have highlighted some of the coolest happenings and people in Arizona. Throughout our 10-year history, we’ve served clients all over the world and in a mix of industries, but truly found our niche with B2B technology and innovation companies.

The teams behind these organizations are among the most passionate, smart, driven, and inspiring individuals, and we’ve been so proud to be able to help support their growth goals by sharing their amazing stories. Naturally, we love when we get to do this for local-grown companies – not only because it supports in their growth, it also helps shed some of the misconceptions about Arizona’s technology economy and the opportunity here. We’re excited for what’s to come for the local tech and innovation community… it’s growing in leaps and bounds.


Why Phoenix?

There is so much opportunity to create here. Because we have a relatively young tech and innovation scene in Arizona, in many ways it feels like we have a clean slate to build whatever we can dream up. There is so much potential right now to make this community what we want.

The Future of Innovation

We’ve come so far in just a few years time – incubating countless amazing innovative businesses and attracting several others away from the “unicorn” hubs. We continually hear about a lack of tech talent, but hiring is truly a challenge across all business sectors. One challenge that is antecedent to the talent shortage, is reframing the misperceptions about Arizona. We have to demonstrate we’ve got hustle, resources, capital, and innovative thinkers here.

Advice & Best Practices

Don’t be afraid to share your ideas. Be smart and protect them, but holding them too close to the vest makes it hard to get them off the ground. Go explore! The more you experience new things – places, cultures, local groups and events – the more you will be filled with inspiration and ideas.

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