As a Sport Management professor, I sat and spoke to my students about the various aspects of gaming. Knowing the majority of my classes were filled with gamers, we would have countless discussions about the business and possibilities of esports. From these conversations I saw first hand how limited the knowledge was in this booming industry. With a limit of knowledge comes a limit of opportunity. My students had no clue that they could make a living in the gaming industry and did not have the guidance of how to make it happen. Seeing the lack of guidance made me realize if my students had no idea how to capitalize, how many other gamers, streamers and content creators were faced with the same issues. Majority of professional athletes in sports or entertainers of all kinds, have one thing in common, management.

I feel those trying to breakthrough in the gaming industry needed agents or management as a whole to be an assistance to truly maximize their potential in the field. At the time I found there were very few agencies focused solely on gaming culture so I was able to contribute to the industry in my own way. As I ventured into management, I wanted to make sure to effect diversity in the gaming space as well. Being a teacher at an HBCU (Historically Black College and University) I was very aware of the lack of awareness from my students who are majority African American. Being in the industry I saw the stark difference in diverse representation on different stages in gaming but I knew even though not always seen, African Americans were not only involved in the industry but were also change agents in gamings history. This led me to creating the Black Gamer League.

The Black Gamer League was created with the objective to connect and create a networking community to contribute to the growth and development of all Black gamers and those in the industry near and far. The BlkGL is focused on building connections to assist as many underrepresented individuals on their journey in the gaming industry as possible. In gaming, you face the need for a more diverse and inclusive environment on multiple fronts as in other industries. The esport and gaming space has an opportunity to stand out in these areas as there are many more places and situations where minorities can find their footing. Esports itself is in its infancy stage so the growth leaves areas to not only improve on but also innovate in. This is the perfect situation for minorities because the race in gaming space doesn’t have a long standing history or gatekeepers at every turn, leaving the potential for a beautifully diverse and enriched industry where all are accepted.
Phorce Management Group and the Black Gamer League will continue to place a focus on developing the next game industry standouts while promoting the importance of diversity and inclusion. Everyone should have the chance to be great, no matter where they are from.