SoarTech-Development Of Intelligent Software




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SoarTech is an industry leader in the application of innovative, third-wave, context- informed Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions for DoD research and development problems. At SoarTech, we focus on the development of intelligent software that reasons like humans, to automate complex tasks, simplify human-machine interactions, and model human behaviors.

Our innovative philosophy is three-fold: to be an augmentation to, not a replacement of, the human; to think “top-down, not bottom-up;” and to be transparent so that decisions and processing are communicated to the human in human-like terms via Explainable AI. We believe that helping enhance human thinking doesn’t begin with software. It begins with humans. That is why we pride ourselves in bringing together knowledge leaders to create unique and creative solutions to help solve challenges ranging from life-saving medical monitoring and training systems to cybersecurity solutions.

To better connect with customers and collaborators, in 2001 Soar Tech (headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan) established a physical presence in the Orlando/University of Central Florida’s growing Simulation and Training/DoD hub, significantly expanding the company’s scope and size. Leading the Orlando team is Dr. Denise Nicholson, VP of Intelligent Training and Director of X, the company’s open-ended exploration of new opportunities.

Dr. Denise Nicholson, VP of Intelligent Training and Director of X

As visionaries embracing the challenges of developing context-adaptive AI systems that succeed where machine learning alone falters, Soar Tech scientists provide an Explainable AI (xAI), for more trustworthy, reliable systems. SoarTech’s innovative cognitive systems approach to research, development, and delivery of AI solutions embraces the complexity of human reasoning as an opportunity to discover new ways of improving the performance of both humans and machines, especially in challenging situations.

We use cognitive architectural concepts to create human/machine symbiotic intelligent systems, an approach that gives a primary role to human domain expertise rather than focusing on knowledge-lean, rigid, and computationally expensive search mechanisms that represent older approaches to artificial intelligence. When analysts adopt an AI solution, technology should be integrated in a way that encourages properties of good human-machine symbiosis such as effective team communication, predictability, and cooperation.

Without the ability to measure, understand, and optimize for these human-machine teaming (HMT) dimensions, analysts are unlikely to form an appropriate understanding of how and why they should trust automated systems. Engineering for teamwork is critical for accomplishing the DoD’s goal of achieving “game-changing” productivity intelligence data processing. SoarTech has had particular success using this cognitive systems approach in projects like these:

  • Modeling realistic human pilots in large scale, distributed simulations
  • Developing autonomous tactical behavior for unmanned ground and air platforms
  • Significantly improving state of the art in the modeling of cyber-attackers and defenders.
  • Generating explanations for human-robot interfaces where the system learns to anticipate human knowledge gaps through two-way dialog
  • Generating explanations for after-action reviews in training simulations
  • Advancing assessments and dynamic tailoring of environments to meet the specific training needs of individuals and units.

Soar Tech Intelligent Training Research Team

A glimpse into SoarTech’s Orlando office reveals a multidisciplinary team of experts representing a wide range of experiences, skills, and philosophies. The Soar Tech Intelligent Training team includes more than a dozen doctoral-level research scientists (in Modeling & Simulation, Computer Science, Optical Science, Computer Engineering, Theoretical Chemistry, Engineering Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology, and Human Systems Integration) pursuing their passion at a company that supports their professional development and life/work balance. Soar Tech’s team also includes former military experts whose operational understanding of in-the-field problems leads to the development of practical, deployable technology solutions. The collaborative nature of Soar Tech’s innovative research is supported by company leadership’s open, encouraging style, and the personal drive of team members, many of whom share post-work activities that bond the team’s commitment to shared success.

Soar Tech Fun Facts

  • Date Incorporated: Soar Technology, Inc. (SoarTech) began operations in 1998 as a spin-off from the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the University of Michigan.
  • MICHAEL VAN LENT, PHD, President and CEO.
  • DYLAN SCHMORROW, PHD, Executive Vice President and Chief Scientist
  • Employees: 135
  • Stage: Expansion
  • Soar Tech’s Divisions:
  • »  Autonomous Platforms
  • »  Cyber Space
  • »  Intelligent Training

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