
Our Future Depends on How We Shape Cities Today




The form and function of our urban centers will not only have major environmental impacts, each will significantly influence social well being, economic prosperity, connectedness, and sense of community. Getting this right is one of the greatest challenges of our time.

The Minneapolis–Saint Paul metro area is expected to grow by nearly 900,000 residents over the next three decades. Nearly 500,000 new jobs are forecasted, with rapid employment growth occurring within the next decade. Together, this growth will increase the strain on affordability and economic opportunity, climate protection, and aging infrastructure systems.

Neighborhoods reside at the heart of these issues, and Towerside is a neighborhood-based response to address complex challenges. Successful solutions to these challenges reach beyond any one sector. By working at a district-scale, Towerside is able to deliver the projects, programs, and infrastructure that can support a thriving community.

Imagine: a district energy system; a biosciences incubator; a busy light rail line; affordable, senior and market-rate housing; makerspaces; stormwater irrigating community gardens; breweries; pedestrians and cycling; green corridors; light rail; retail; medical and high technology; district parking; a center for textile arts and handicrafts; childcare; public art; and more.

Innovation Districts can serve as a model for environmental sustainability, social vibrancy, and equitable economic opportunity. In Towerside, innovation focuses on Energy, Water, and Place. Towerside’s public-private-civic partnership structure aligns leadership, improves cross-sector collaboration, and builds new models of inclusive governance to drive effective planning and project delivery.

We invite climate-positive, human-focused innovations that spark walkability, entrepreneurism, a vibrant public realm, health, connectivity, resilience and JOY. Welcome to Towerside!

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