TiE Ottawa is the most active sister chapter of TiE Global. Established in 1992, in Silicon Valley, The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), TiE Global is a non-profit organization devoted to entrepreneurs in all industries, at all stages, from incubation, throughout the entrepreneurial lifecycle.

TiE was established by a group of successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and senior professional, which provides TiE with a global reach and a local focus. The heart of TiE efforts lies in its five foundational programs, – Mentoring, Networking, Education, Funding, and Incubation. It connects the entire entrepreneurship ecosystem from early stage entrepreneurs, serial entrepreneurs, professionals at leading corporations, venture capital, angel investors, and thought leaders among others.
The organization emphasizes the spirit of giving in all aspects of their work. There are currently 15,000 members (including over 3000 charter members or mentors) in 61 chapters across 14 countries. TiE’s mission is to foster entrepreneurship globally through mentoring, networking, and education. Dedicated to the virtuous cycle of wealth creation and giving back to the community, TiE’s focus is on generating and nurturing our next generation of entrepreneurs. Launched in November of 2002, and in keeping with the spirit and giving philosophy of the organization, the Ottawa chapter of TiE aims to establish a strong and interconnected entrepreneurial community, and create wealth through entrepreneurship.

It is supported by a team of highly committed and passionate volunteers. TiE Ottawa serves as an optimal training and networking forum Ottawa-based entrepreneurs. The chapter organizes and hosts more than 20 events for seasoned and aspiring industry leaders. These workshops, symposium and networking sessions help to facilitate entrepreneurial linkages, education, mentorship and global perspective. They also help to build a strong and integrated Ottawa business community.
In 2019, TiE Ottawa launched a new program for international students to help them prepare for the job market in Ottawa and introduce them to the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The program was delivered over five sessions covering the topics around personal career strategy, building confidence and how to gain relevant employable skills. The program was very well received and saw a huge participation. TiE Ottawa hopes to continue delivering the program.

TiE Ottawa hosts its annual flagship premium technology conference TiECon Canada for start-ups, entrepreneurs, SME’s, industry veterans, investors, and other members of the Canadian business community. Organized in partnership with Canadian sister chapters, TiECon Canada is the largest event of its kind in the region. It features daring entrepreneurs, industry leaders, technologists and investors from the hottest sectors.
TiECon Canada attracts over 500 participants including hundreds of start-ups, speakers, funding agencies, dozens of investors and potential customers and collaborators every year. In the last few years, TiECon Canada have been able to bring leaders like Tim Draper(Skype investor), Michael Katchen(CEO Wealthsimple) etc.