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Founded in 2016, the Institut quantique (IQ) of the Université de Sherbrooke brings together more than 300 world-renowned scientists specializing in quantum materials, information and engineering to conduct fundamental research and develop quantum technologies.

From the architecture of quantum computers to superconductivity and the exploration of new states of matter, our scientists have received international awards and distinctions and have seen their groundbreaking discoveries implemented by private sector companies. At the forefront of scientific progress in a fast-changing field, our research teams are invited to collaborate with colleagues and institutions from around the world.

Through partnerships such as the International Research Lab “Quantum Frontiers” with the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique in France, the Quantum Systems Accelerator in the United States, and the Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology in Australia, we have developed research projects that use the expertise and quality of our scientists’ research.

Deeply influenced by the Université de Sherbrooke’s partnership research culture and an important link in the innovation chain, more than 50% of IQ researchers develop research projects in collaboration with industry. This networking adds to the relevance of the work while stimulating the exchange of ideas between the student community and partners.

IQ provides a dynamic research environment with an approach focused on the student community, in part by encouraging the
emergence of projects initiated by them. We train leaders with the skills and critical thinking essential to the creation of knowledge relevant to a changing society. Thus, we find our graduates ready to contribute to the acceleration of discoveries, whether they hold jobs in academia, in private enterprise or by founding their own company.

In this respect, the creation of the Sherbrooke Quantum Innovation Zone is actively involved in creating job opportunities for our graduates, while developing a large-scale quantum ecosystem in Sherbrooke and in Quebec.

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