Tech Ranch-Equips Entrepreneurs And Ecosystems With Insights, Proven Techniques, Tools, And Processes




Tech Ranch, a venture outfitter based in Austin, Texas, equips entrepreneurs and ecosystems with insights, proven techniques, tools, and processes that advance both the entrepreneur and the community. The tech and Impact Innovation incubator’s programs have influenced more than 6,500 entrepreneurs in 42 countries with more than 750 solutions deployed.

Tech Ranch embraces a philosophy that entrepreneurs can move faster and further by engaging and collaborating with their community than by moving forward alone. Tech Ranch’s global network of communities is built on a culture of collaboration among entrepreneurs, investors, advisors, mentors, government leaders, and local businesses to create companies that positively impact their communities and solve pervasive global social challenges.

Tech Ranch works to build relationships between entrepreneurs and the ecosystems which support them. In addition to helping entrepreneurs make local connections, Tech Ranch builds global bridges, working with organizations to develop their own entrepreneur ecosystems, and then connects those ecosystems and helps entrepreneurs expand to new global markets. This builds and engages a collaborative community for entrepreneurs to maximize their impact.

“An entrepreneur connected into a supportive community has a much better chance of succeeding.”

By making connections with businesses, investors, and community leaders, entrepreneurs can gain valuable resources including social capital, personal development, professional development, financial capital, and communal support to create technology companies that positively impact their local community and have opportunities to reach a global scale.

An entrepreneur connected into a supportive community has a much better chance of succeeding.

Tech Ranch programs are designed to extend beyond simple knowledge transfer by evoking and developing a critical entrepreneurial mindset of fostering communal support, leveraging social capital, and cultivating the local ecosystem. Tech Ranch’s Impact Innovation ModelTM enables both the entrepreneur and the ecosystem to go further to reach goals and expand opportunities.

Entrepreneurs have the ability to change the world. Tech Ranch believes that entrepreneurs who are well-supported can create a positive impact not only locally but also globally. By supporting technology startups, Tech Ranch is fulfilling its mission to build a better world.

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