Founded on August 11th, 1999 exclusively with national capital, the Talenter™ project was designed to break from the traditional view of employment, assuming a key role in making the job market more dynamic, in the qualification of people, and in adding value to its services.
At Talenter™ we believe that the management of “Human Resources” is above all the management of different types of talent and that everyone has a talent, leaving us with the role of finding people with the right profile for the opportunities requested by our clients.
Our talentosophy is based on the belief that Talent Management is the right strategy to provide personal and professional development of workers, improve the performance of companies and contribute to the competitiveness of the economy.
In March 2010, with the creation of Talenter™ Academy, professional training took strategic importance in strengthening our DNA, contributing to the qualification of more than 20,000 candidates and employees as well as the enhancement of our services.
Based on a strategy of proximity, flexibility and specialization, Talenter™ developed custom services in sectors such as Telecommunications and Hospitality, with integrated Recruitment, Training and Outsourcing solutions.
Since the very beginning, Talenter™ has set itself as more than a business project. So, on November 19th, 2006, in partnership with ACIDI, it opened the first “private” Immigrant Support Office, having since then provided support to more than 10,000 immigrants. On July 22nd, 2008 Talenter™ signed a protocol with UNHCR becoming part of the Helpin support network for refugees.
Following these initiatives, we launched the Re: Starter® program in 2020, especially focusing on migrants, the disabled, seniors and the long-term unemployed to facilitate entry or re-entry into the job market.
Under this program, we currently offer 1 to 2 places in our IT Academy courses, looking for people with high potential, willing to learn a new profession and return to the job market.
Today Talenter™ is a group of companies that is present in the most diverse sectors of activity and that presents a portfolio of services that transcends the sphere of human resources, as are the cases of Telecommunications, Energy, Health and IT.
” We’ve futurized people and companies for more than 20 years”.