“Write a bestseller,” they say. “We’ll help you write a bestselling book.” In today’s publishing landscape, aspiring authors don’t just want to write a book—they dream of writing a bestseller. But why? Why is the standard of authorship left to an imaginary list that seems just within reach, yet in reality so far out of grasp?
This idea is the “Why” behind Streamline Books—a guided self-publishing service based out of the Kansas City Metro. Founded by Will Severns and Alex Demczak in 2022, Streamline helps prospective authors write, edit, and publish their book in a 6-8 month proven process: their Turnkey Publishing model. In other words, they’ll help you from start to finish whether you come into the process with a manuscript or blank page.
In their first two years, they signed over 100 authors that showed them they were on the right path, but with the rise of various non-traditional publishing outlets, Will and Alex knew they needed to focus on their core differentiators—starting with their “Why”: to reframe author success.

By telling every new author they were born to write something better than a “bestseller,” they have watched the weight of unrealistic expectations fall off the shoulders of individuals who simply want to share their message with the world. It’s why Severns and Demczak released their book in 2024 titled, aptly, “The World Needs Your Book: Streamline the Process and Reframe Author Success.”
In addition to their “Why,” Streamline differentiates itself from others by helping authors write clear, concise manuscripts that business owners, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders can use to bolster credibility and make their core message(s) portable in book form. As they like to say, “The root word of authority is author.”
So who is behind the scenes making it all happen?

Outside of their core leadership team, Will and Alex have built a system that utilizes a stable of talented writers and editors to help authors share their voice with the world. And over a dozen of those writers and editors are based in the Kansas City area.
Through Streamline’s “Core Four” offerings, there are a few ways authors can engage with Streamline. If you have a finished manuscript (collecting dust in a Word Document you don’t quite know what to do with), Streamline will help you edit and publish through their Copy Edit or Developmental Edit offerings. If you’re starting with a blank page but have an idea for a book that needs to come to life (or that others have nudged you to bring to life), then Streamline’s Writing Coach or Ghostwrite offering is for you.
Will and Alex landed on Proverbs 31:8-9 as their company verse, which begins, “Open your mouth for the mute…” They believe many individuals with expertise to share are “on mute,” which doesn’t mean they don’t have a voice, but simply means they don’t know the next step to take in getting off mute.
Enter Streamline’s pool of talent. As Will and Alex were launching Streamline, Artificial Intelligence (AI) rocked society with seismic force. However, instead of backing down to AI’s scary-good writing, they took it as a sign that the world needs Streamline now more than ever—to preserve the crucial, human-oriented elements between author and editor. The result is a swell of glowing reviews for Streamline, yes, but more so the humans who helped bring their dream to life.
All here in the heartland!

But a favorite differentiator for Will and Alex is “The Bestseller Community” that brings together past, present, and future authors and speakers because they know how lonely this business can be. The warmth of their W-2 and 1099 employees has not only helped authors themselves but in turn hundreds and thousands of individuals they’ll never meet. Which harkens a quote this young and growing company revisits often…
“Blessed is he who plants trees under whose shade he will never sit.”
To Streamline and its authors, the idea of planting those seeds sounds better than a bestseller. Because here in the heartland, all Streamline knows is planting seeds—they’ve found that, together, it’s what creates the best kind of fruit.
“Are there enough positive adjectives out there to describe Streamline?! And their team?! And ALL THE THINGS?! No! There are not! But if I had to pick a few: amazing, exceptional, intentional, relentless, passionate and purposeful are a few that come to mind—I truly can’t say enough about Streamline and their Team.”
—Brittany Richmond
“My experience with working alongside Streamline has been a dream. Their commitment to helping authors bring their BEST book to life is their top priority, and I cannot be more happy with how my debut novel turned out.”
—Mary Coe
“My experience with the process and the people at Streamline was excellent! I would not be an author if not for Streamline. From the positive, specific direction in writing, all the way to the book launch strategy, I have been supported and equipped to tell my story and to use it to help others.”
—Brian Zehr
“I can’t say enough about the team at Streamline. They have been an absolute joy to work with. They managed to keep me on task, which is very difficult in and of itself. They were always professional and very efficient. They truly are responsible for pushing me over the goalline with my book!”
—Randy Childress