STIQ a multi-industry association of Quebec based manufacturers whose mission is to improve the competitiveness of manufacturing supply chains in order to promote the development of our economy. Since its founding in 1987, STIQ has been a performance activator creating successful business networks and managing custom improvement programs.

Innovation: a core part of STIQ’s DNA
A true pioneer, well established in Montreal, STIQ has always focused on innovation to remain the benchmark in Quebec’s manufacturing sector. It was the first association to establish networking activities between buyers and potential suppliers able to meet specific procurement needs. The Buyer/Supplier Day, a long-awaited event taking place every year for nearly 20 years, brings together more than 400 participants and more than 50 buyers, resulting in nearly 1,000 meetings and millions of dollars in contracts.

Since 2009, STIQ has offered a unique program enabling companies to receive an objective and independent assessment of their business practices, as well as financing to implement projects based on improvement opportunities. The PODIUM program can be adapted to various industries and enables companies to benchmark with their peers, increase their performance and drive innovation.

In the years to come, STIQ will continue its growth and pursue its primary mission, namely supporting Quebec businesses in increasing their competitiveness for a more prosperous and innovative manufacturing sector.

“In this rapidly changing world, building a culture of innovation in our businesses is key to staying competitive and meeting the industries needs. That’s what STIQ has been instilling in its members for nearly 40-years!” said Richard Blanchet, President and CEO of STIQ