Make It Happen




Born in the year of the millennium, Step Ahead Consulting, headquartered in Quinta da Fonte, in Oeiras, quickly asserted itself in two aspects:

  • A national one, marked by the implementation of tailor-made solutions to manage and optimize processes, helping the digital transition of the Organizations.
  •  An international one, having here in Oeiras, conceived the plan for the computerization of the entire network of Registrations (Civil, Cadaster and Housing, Vehicle, and Business) in Angola, thus allowing the implementation of pioneering projects in that market, such as the “Guichet Único da Empresa” (GUE), vital for that country’s economic and social development.

Despite a very strong presence in Angola, the company remained committed to several outstanding national projects, such as the Nationality Process, and other management projects, in clients such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Águas de Portugal”, or the banking sector (BANIF and Banco BIG).

Around 2010, a new phase in Step’s development began, also marked by two more new vectors: on one hand, the creation of a totally inhouse document management product, “SIGA Cloud”, currently implemented in companies such as “Eletrão”, “Mercedes Benz Portugal”, “Banco BIG”, “Infraestruturas de Portugal”, or “Parques Sintra”.

On the other hand, the creation of a consular management platform (SIGA CON), for consular networks around the world. An effort and vision, which at the time seemed like an overly ambitious idea, but that came to fruition and thus, in addition to Luanda, SAC consultants had to start traveling to places so unique as Hanoi, Houston, Budapest, Paris, Rotterdam, Beijing or Macau.

With the creation of SIGA Cloud, another pioneering and strategic vision emerged, SIGA Cluster, a project that aims to bring together all the services of the State, in a single location and in a single and shared application of document management, allowing simplification and elimination of redundancies, enhancing synergies and massive scale gains, which would help the true digital transformation of the Portuguese State.

The most recent “reinforcement” of this Oeiras family, was SalesForce, a CRM. The best in its segment, with a truly global dimension and from which, quickly, Step became the best implementation partner in Portugal, with several awards gained, counting today, with more 250 implementations.

Today we are a reference in the market, not only for the quality of our products and services, but also for the competence of our more than 70 #stepers / workers, and for our unique approach to the challenges and objectives that are proposed to us.

To be #steper is to be dynamic, versatile, creative, and focused. It is to be a team player; is to fall, rise, evolve, and unite, and this applies not only on the mountain, where #stepers usually go for their annual team building, but also in their day-to-day life, back to the challenges they are having, where mutual help and sharing of experiences are essential for the everyone’s success.

As a “child” of “Generation Z”, the company grew accustomed to crisis and obstacles. Nowadays, where layoffs and the unemployment rate are rising, we continue to hire. In addition to the ability to adapt, Step´s DNA has at its core the flexibility of a “Start-up”, and the experience of a larger “Consultant”, allowing it to overcome the most varied challenges and scenarios, pandemic or not.

At Step nobody tries to discover the wheel; it already exists and serves its purpose well; we do think of ways to improve its operation, reduce its flaws, therefore creating true highways of knowledge, innovation, and digital transformation, that help our customers to be one step ahead.

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