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If you love video games, you may have thought about making one. So, what’s stopping you?

Ten years ago, the answer likely would have been the industry itself. Video games were typically produced only by studios with enough capital to house the entire game creation pipeline. And that pipeline was (and still is) massive.

Today, the path to game development is much less imposing. Accessible game engines allow aspiring developers to utilize solid underlying technology, while hosting platforms have simultaneously softened traditional barriers to entry, paving the way for a future where alternative or niche content is encouraged. Commonly referred to as a digital gold rush, the industry has witnessed an enormous democratization of game and application development; an increasing number of which are independently published year-over-year, with no signs of slowing down.

But even a digital gold rush needs digital shovel makers (sometimes literally). Thus, 3D Artist and Unity Developer, Stephanie Maslen, founded Stellar Game Assets to create characters, props and environments for immersive applications. Their clients range from game-focused indie studios, solo developers and hobbyists to those building business applications, interactive product demos or marketing materials.

“Broadly, all immersive applications involve expertise in multiple unrelated disciplines,” says Maslen. “Coding and storytelling aside, art teams are particularly expensive because in addition to talent, they require technical skills with an array of software, and knowledge of game engines. And that doesn’t include baked-in costs like design software licensing or hardware upkeep.”

With 15 years of experience as a senior visual communications specialist, more than a decade making 3D art, and a developer certification with the Unity game engine, Maslen is well-situated to support resource-strapped studios and coders who lack art skills. Likewise, Stellar Game Assets supports artists who lack coding expertise by regularly publishing free code and tutorials.

“The biggest advantage we offer is the ability to incorporate high-quality 3D assets into your application without incurring the huge time commitment and cost necessary to build them from scratch,” says Maslen. “The majority of our clients don’t have the budgets of AAA studios, so they really need to manage their projects strategically. They’ve embraced a creation process where the pipeline is partitioned into manageable elements and outsourced when necessary.”

Maslen credits early success to capitalizing on dedicated engine marketplaces — storefronts that allow content creators to provide art assets, audio, and tools for purchase.

“The benefit, and drawback, to marketplaces is that they’re affordable. Anyone can use them,” says Maslen. “Much like stock photography, standout content is popular. And no developer wants to see, for instance, their main character in another game. Or many other games.”

To combat this, Stellar Game Assets’ primary focus is on customization and flexibility through a combination of art and tools. Their mission is to set their own assets apart, while allowing extensive flexibility for the end user to do the same.

“We really want to see our clients become successful,” says Maslen. “The time when AAA studios and publishers had the final say about which games or applications made it to a customer is behind us. I’m just thrilled to be a part of it.”

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