Is a Platform to Discover and Collaborate With Thousands of Musicians to Create Personalized, One-of-a-Kind Songs




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Since launching, Songfinch has grown into the leading creator marketplace for musicians touting some of the most influential names in music and tech as investors, including music icon Quincy Jones, current music superstars Abel ‘The Weeknd’ Tesfaye and Amala ‘Doja Cat’ Dlamini, Atlantic Records CEO Craig Kallman, School of Rock CEO Rob Price and the founders of Reverb, HomeChef and serial entrepreneur and co-founder of Corazon Capital Sam Yagan.

What separates Songfinch from other creator platforms is that they’re built bottom-up rather than top-down, where the 2% of creators typically generate 75% of all platform revenue. Instead of earning income based on the number of streams, past accolades, or the size of an artist’s follower count; Songfinch artists are paired with customers based on talent, genre, and song type.

To date, Songfinch has turned millions of customer stories into nearly 100,000 personalized songs to commemorate a huge variety of life events – from birthdays and holidays to anniversaries, job promotions and everything in between; resulting in more than 1,500 artists collectively earning over $10 million in just a few short years.

But Songfinch artists do not just leverage the platform to generate income, they also use it to hone their craft by staying in the studio producing hundreds of unique songs for customers, effectively taking artists from a part-time musician on day 1 to a full-time musician by day 90.

The Songfinch mission has always been to create a middle class for musicians by lowering the barrier of entry into the music industry and ultimately change how artists and fans interact, create, and monetize their respective talents.

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