Founded in 2014 by students with a passion for entrepreneurship and innovation, the goal was and still is to help all students – regardless of study – to become entrepreneurs. Throughout the college years of the founders no specific student organization could help with starting up a business. This is why SINC was founded. An Antwerp based student organization to support, inspire and fuel students to start their own business. Meanwhile they are building a network of student entrepreneurs to further support each other.
In recent years SINC has evolved from a small students association to a large community of entrepreneurs and like-minded people, while still carrying on their largest mission: inspiring, informing and activating students.
Every year, SINC organizes different events for students to get familiar with entrepreneurship. These events can be split up into three main domains: inspirational talks, workshops and activating events. This way, SINC fills every student’s specific needs or interests. These events could not be organized without hard work from these dedicated student-volunteers and the extended network of partners, built over the years.
Inspirational talks
The inspirational talks are the base entry level of events. They are aimed at all students, even those without any entrepreneurial knowledge. The purpose of these events is to stimulate curiosity about entrepreneurship and let them discover new technologies, innovations and businesses. During these events, experts share their knowledge about fascinating topics and innovative solutions to the world’s current struggles.
Events like ‘Hits & Misses’, ‘Marketing 360’, ‘Student Today Founder Tomorrow’ and others have helped thousands of students in discovering their entrepreneurial mindset.
When inspiration and excitement results in the exploration of entrepreneurship, our second pillar kicks in: being a platform for information. By offering various workshops in cooperation with our partners, SINC assists their partners to inform students on the different aspects of starting their own company. From legal and financial advice, to implementing frameworks and tools. Every aspect of entrepreneurship can be discussed. This resulted in over 150 student-entrepreneurs supported throughout their journey so far.
Activating events
Curiosity. Check. All information aboard. Check.
For some students, the entrepreneurial mindset and practical information is enough to make them a valuable asset in any business later on in their professional careers. But for some students, the entrepreneurial dream goes further than that. At this point, it is necessary to help students with the launch of their own business. As part of Antwerp’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, SINC can offer their students mentorships and boot camp programs to help them kick off their business successfully.
Throughout its seven years of existence, SINC has built an extended community of local student-entrepreneurs. This SINC-community exists of over 100 students who started their own business during college. Thanks to the strong network of partners, these young entrepreneurs can be supported by tailored support and network events to connect with potential partners and investors. Will a unicorn emerge soon from this community? The future will tell.
Future Entrepreneurship
SINC’s flagship event is Future Entrepreneurship. A major technology
& innovation conference with various international speakers. This inspiring event aims to introduce students to the world of tomorrow and how entrepreneurship shapes the future. Different speakers cover themes such as artificial intelligence, the future of health, smart cities, sustainability… and so many more.
Moreover, these students will be able to get to know various innovative companies by visiting a job fair. This way students get acquainted with and are able to actively contribute to the world of tomorrow. Building the future starts here.
In 2021, the fifth edition of Future Entrepreneurship took place. Although with the Covid-limitations, the SINC team succeeded in organizing a virtual experience by expanding the event to a three-day edition.