The products and services we offer are all aligned with our strategic mission: creating products and content for the good of gamers. Dana Paul, the co-founder and CEO of Ritual Motion, realized there was a gap in the gaming and esports industry around health, wellness, diversity, and true human connectivity after watching his five kids and their friends play video games.

He set out to support this massive community of 2.7 billion gamers worldwide with products, and quickly pivoted to providing expert content and eventually the creation of an exclusive community platform featuring live video streaming and peer-to-peer networking.
Since its inception in 2018, Ritual Motion has evolved in the way that many startups do: rapidly adapting to the feedback and response of its audience. Our start as a consumer product company positioned Ritual Motion as an innovator who developed custom products created to treat the physical ailments gamers largely suffer from.

Gaming Skins, our most popular product, are handmade fingerless gloves that provide flexibility, protection, and stabilization for the hands and wrists of gamers all over the world. Our Skins can be customized and come in a selection of unique colors, sizes, and patterns.
We also offer additional wellness products for gamers, including blue light glasses and healthy superfood Snack packs, each with a specific formula for energy, focus, supporting healthy sleep, and boosting concentration.
In addition to e-commerce, Ritual Motion produces an array of rich multimedia content surrounding important (but underrepresented) topics in gaming like inclusivity and diversity, health and wellness, and education. We strive to provide a unique, safe, and inclusive space for gamers to congregate. The socialization of gaming will drive the next major wave of adopters, and this is the primary avenue where Ritual Motion is focused.
Our latest service, Ritual Motion’s GUILD, is a first-of-its-kind live video resource built by gamers, for gamers. Ritual Motion’s GUILD: Gamers United in Live Discussion launched in May 2021. It calls upon our unique and robust community of gamers, streamers, and enthusiasts all over the world to produce informative and interactive user-generated content based on the positive values of wellness, diversity, and inclusion.
Ritual Motion’s GUILD features live streaming sessions and interactive community networking. Members create content, collaborate with peers, and share their knowledge and experiences with the gaming and esports communities. These sessions are also made available for on-demand viewing.
The gaming and esports communities thrive on collaboration. As we move forward into the next phase of Ritual Motion’s GUILD, many gaming and esports organizations are using the platform to showcase their informative content, host company events, and network with the gaming and esports communities at large.