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Global Innovation Spotlight

Global village Globe

As Featured In:

Global Innovation Spotlight

Repairably certification aims to bring repair into the practice of the 21 century. As a third-party independent certification body, we test and verify whether a product fulfills 10 basic rules of the Repairably Manifesto, as the methodology for repairability and product rebirth to enable circularity in business models.“

Alan Suchánek, software developer had come up with the Aha moment consequently derived from reading Collapse and Cradle to Cradle books and establish Repairably manifesto as the base of future certification.

Daniela Laluhova, the director, brings forward the idea behind Repairably, a non-profit organization that was founded in 2016 in Bratislava (Slovakia). Since then, Repairably functions thanks to passionate members working voluntarily.

The testing and certification process is a simple procedure, and is fully transparent and verifiable. Each certification is regularly, annually inspected. Compared with other environmental certifications, we focus on the assurance of one crucial quality of the product – its simple and affordable repairability.“ Daniela says.

Repairably certification is suitable for all products that are composed of 5 or more components which enclose almost all products, such as electronics, furniture, bicycles or toys. 9 products from 2 producers were certified so far, and others are currently undergoing the certification process.

Repair is the most effective circularity tool with the smallest energy footprint.-and therefore a very important way to ensure necessary production in a sustainable manner. Beyond the systemic extension of the certification and infrastructure for product testing, Repairably sees potential in the creation of an ecosystem of producers, consumers, and local governments for a new generation of products, services, customer use patterns and product life cycle compatible with the circular economy. Inter alia, its ambition is to create successful partnerships and
value chains that penetrate beyond the EU borders which is reflected in our past efforts while establishing dialogs with local and international companies, startups and organizations.

This voluntary type of certification needs conscious producers who approach the future responsibly and want to offer sustainable products to their customers.

We strongly believe that the concept of Repairably (through the product certification) helps system transition and supports the new design, culture, and environmental politics of the future. ANot only the guaranteed repair positively affects waste management by decreasing the amount of waste. It reduces societal costs associated with separation and its disposal, and protects the environment by saving resources. Repair has also an economical impact – the sharing economy – implementing circularity straight into the society,supporting the local economy and effectively increasing employment in services.

Repairably supports the responsible purchasing decision of consumers and guides producers to produce highquality products with good design fulfilling requirements of simple repairability and longer durability. It leads to manufacture of longlasting products, and to service-oriented economy. This creates space for second-hand markets, and enhances self-sufficiency with direct impact particularly on the indigent, strengthening consumer rights.

Repairably NPO is a member of ECOS (Environmental Coalition on Standards) and Circular Slovakia where we share good cases of practice and support common activities. We are also members of the Right to Repair Campaign Europe. Together we contributed to the recent legislative EU initiatives concerning repair and implications for future policies through subsumption of repairability in reconsideration of product standards in legislation. We help to raise awareness in regards to the need for repairability by participating in events, discussions, presentations, workshops, exhibitions, and social media. We contribute to debates on repairability and disassembly as a necessary part of the DNA of product industrial design with professionals and design students. We cooperate by awarding The Prize for the most Repairable Product (in the framework of the Slovak National Prize for Design event).

Repairably certification is a solution that can be used all over the world, it is in principle universally scalable and feasible. Branches of Repairably can be established in all countries of the EU and worldwide, taking both global and local considerations into account, creating collaborations between business stakeholders (e.g. manufacturers, retailers, brands, and repair service providers) and customers.

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