Produtos de Imagem e Comunicação




Prosonic Business Areas
Prosonic develops its activity supported by centralised and transversal services, as the Financial, Administrative, Logistic, etc. however, to be able to answer to the demanding conditions of the market and to better satisfy its Customers, the operational activity of the company is distributed by Business Areas where each one of these divisions has its proper competencies and the responsibility to allocate its resources to the respective business Customers.

Prosonic has its business divided by distinct business areas, each one operating in its own markets, creating better flexibility and reaction to the economic circumstances.

With a Capital of 4.000.000 euros, our financial policy and particularly under the current international crises, is very severe concerning unnecessary expenses and is oriented to the investments that allow the increase of each business area and to benefit our total company and employees. Only by keeping a healthy company we may deserve the trust and confidence of our clients, suppliers and business partners.

Business Areas:
a. Printing & Computing
b. Electronic Security
c. Multimedia
d. Banking

Historical Evolution
1970 – Constitution of a company named Papelaco on 13 of November to work the area of Office Automation.
1980 – First contacts with the Matsushita Industrial Electric, manufacturer of the Panasonic products.
1983 – Representation and introduction of the Fax from Panasonic, conquering the leadership in the national market. Establishment of “Papelaco Tecnica”, for the improvement of the technical and after sales services.
1989 – Papelaco, besides the Office Equipment, becomes additionally the exclusive and official representative for all the equipment of the line of Panasonic Systems products.
1990 – Reorganization and strength of the business of electronic security with the foundation of “Papelaco Video Sistemas de Segurança”.
1991 – To work the demanding professional market of the Video, Audio and Broadcast, is created a new company named “Papelaco Som e Imagem”.
1995 – The “Papelaco Comercial” was established with the responsibility to expand sales of office equipments.
2000 – Separation of shareholders at the end of the year. Four of Papelaco companies: “Papelaco Comercial”; “Papelaco Tecnica”; “Papelaco Som e Imagem” and “Papelaco Video Sistemas de Segurança” became officially separated from Papelaco Group.
2001 – The denomination Prosonic SA, appears as a result of a process of a fusion for the incorporation of the four former Papelaco companies.
2021 – Today, 50 years passed, Prosonic SA continues the development of several business areas, being the official representative in Portugal of several manufacturers of high quality

Present all over the Country
With 100 employees, Prosonic headquarters is located in Lisbon – Taguspark, however Prosonic also has its own offices in Porto – the second biggest city “capital of north” and is also present in Angola-Luanda and Cabo VerdePraia.

Additionally, Prosonic has its own “resident” engineers located in several regions inside Portugal and also in Madeira Island.

Prosonic develops its business using the indirect Sales Channel with a business relationship with several other Portuguese companies, which work as Prosonic dealers covering a nationwide presence and offering closer support to our clients.

Company Information

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