In 2021, the Government of Canada embarked on a new approach to economic development in the West. To better recognize the unique economic drivers of the Prairies and British Columbia, the department known as Western Economic Diversification (WD) evolved into two departments. On August 6, 2021, Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan), and Pacific Economic Development Canada (PacifiCan), were officially created, and we haven’t looked back since.

PrairiesCan is the federal department that supports economic growth in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Our programs and services help businesses, not-for-profits and communities grow stronger. Our mandate is to support economic growth and diversification in the Prairie provinces and to advance the interests of the region in national economic policy, programs, and projects. We have four primary roles: first, as an investor, we make strategic investments that support the ability of businesses and sectors to expand and create jobs. Second, we are a convenor, which means we connect economic actors to support collaboration and growth. Third, we are an advisor, which is to say we inform economic decision-making and advocate for Prairie interests. Finally, we are a pathfinder, helping people navigate federal economic programs and services.
Headquartered in Edmonton, we have been expanding our footprint across the Prairies. Since 2021, we have opened new points of service throughout Alberta in Lethbridge, Fort McMurray and Grande Prairie, complementing our well-established offices in Edmonton and Calgary. Our knowledgeable regional officers are on the ground connecting Albertans with our programs and services. These locations allow us to assist more people where they live, work and play—with the local and regional knowledge that businesses and organizations need when navigating our changing economy.

PrairiesCan administers a number of grants and contributions programs that enable us to strengthen productivity and competitiveness across the Prairies. Our core programs reflect our three priority areas. The first is new value and competitiveness, which translates into accelerating economic growth through new sources of value and innovation in traditional sectors. The second is the green economy, which means enabling success in a net-zero future. And, the third is inclusivity, which involves supporting a more equitable and inclusive economy through the economic participation of underrepresented populations.

PrairiesCan is proud to offer a suite of programs that invest in the long term success of businesses, not-for-profit organizations, and communities.
PrairiesCan’s core programs are:
- Regional Innovation Ecosystems
- Business Scale-up and Productivity Economic Development Initiative
- Community Economic Development and Diversification
- Western Canada Business Service Network
Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RIE)
Through the Regional Innovation Ecosystems program, we make targeted investments in not-for-profit organizations that support businesses in priority sectors to innovate, grow and compete globally. Further, we foster inclusive growth by helping underrepresented groups more fully participate in the innovation economy.

Business Scale-up and Productivity (BSP)
This program supports high-growth businesses that are seeking to improve productivity, scale-up and commercialize technology. Through BSP, PrairiesCan offers interest-free, repayable funding to incorporated businesses.
Economic Development Initiative (EDI)
The Economic Development Initiative provides financial support to projects that encourage economic diversification, business development, innovation, partnerships, and increased support for small and medium-sized businesses in official language minority communities (OLMCs). All projects supported by this program are for the economic development of businesses and communities with the goal of sustainable growth of Western Canada’s Francophone Communities.

Community Economic Development and Diversification (CEDD)
This program seeks to enable not-for-profit organizations and communities to leverage their strength and capacity to achieve key goals. These goals include responding to economic development opportunities; adjusting to changing and challenging economic circumstances; sustaining and growing their local economies; mobilizing their local community capacity through the development of a community-based development strategy; and, establishing inclusive economies that support Indigenous peoples, women, youth, entrepreneurs with disabilities, official language minority communities and other underrepresented groups.
Western Canada Business Service Network (WCBSN)
The WCBSN helps entrepreneurs start or expand small businesses and supports community economic development. The network features more than 100 points of service including: Community Futures organizations, Women’s Enterprise Initiative offices, Francophone Economic Development Organizations, Indigenous Business Development Services and the Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program.