Have you ever had to throw your best work away? I have. It’s demoralizing, but sometimes things you can’t control go wrong and there’s nothing to do but let it go. You can start to think, “why bother?” I’ve seen it happen to our clients too. As a device development firm, there’s only so much we can do to help our clients succeed. Even if we make the perfect product, it can still end up shelved because of a flawed business model, marketing strategy, unlucky timing, or any number of other things.

We were tired of watching smart, talented hardware startup founders give up, so we asked ourselves, “what can we do about it?”

We’ve made some products we’re really proud of, but we realized that fixing this pattern takes more than that. It takes working even more closely with startups and helping in ways that are beyond the scope of just making stuff. We need to build a solid base of technical knowhow at the “why” level of the business to support a founder’s vision. To do that we need to be a key partner, where we can apply the pattern matching skills that we’ve developed over years of working on products of many kinds to help guide founders through some common pitfalls of making a high-end, high-tech product. We want to team up with startups and improve their success rates. We are building a hardware startup success machine.

The best products in the world are, without exception, created by tight teams of skilled people who share a singular vision. Making complex products is like playing orchestral music; team harmony is more important than individual virtuosity. Coordination outcompetes sheer skill. Every. Single. Time.
Our team has been multidisciplinary from the beginning. From day one we in-housed Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Industrial Design, enabling us to make devices start to finish. We’ve since assembled a diverse team, of fully invested full-time staff, co-located under one roof. We do everything from the research that drives viability, the design that creates desirability, and the engineering that solves for feasibility. With all of these disciplines in-house, we sidestep the challenges of using a cobbled together team of teams. We move quickly because we know and work closely with one another within a shared process framework.

We’re looking for game changing, hardware powered startups who need technical help and guidance. If that’s you, we hope you’ll reach out at