OnTraccr is on a mission to automate the way construction work is managed. This company provides next-generation automation software that helps any construction contractor automate their documentation, eliminate manual data entry, and gain real-time visibility into every aspect of its operations.

OnTraccr was founded by a group of experienced construction managers and software entrepreneurs who realized a growing need for a new type of industry software tool that could make construction work management more efficient and automated.
Across their many years of working in the construction industry, the OnTraccr founding team grew increasingly frustrated by the outdated management tools on the market used to manage projects and were disappointed by the lack of well-designed software solutions in the industry.

Before OnTraccr’s formation, construction management professionals could choose from outdated tools (like paper and spreadsheets) or clunky industry project management/ERP software to manage projects. In recent years, a wave of new software has been hitting the construction industry, which has introduced more options. However, many of these new options were designed to cover niche or specific workflow pain points and thereby did not cover all of a construction business’s needs. Furthermore, these software tools were built to be fixed, one-size-fits-all solutions that didn’t cater to the unique operational differences of companies operating in this vast, complex, and interdependent construction industry.
Even though newer software tools have presented better alternatives to paper and spreadsheets, they have created a new problem in the industry: managing too many apps at once. This gives a considerable problem in and of itself.

The OnTraccr team felt that the industry has been missing a new type of all-in-one software platform that is extremely customizable to allow any kind of construction business to shape its own software experience around its unique needs.
This is what led the team to create a new category of software that OnTraccr represents called Construction Workflow Automation (CWA).
Construction Workflow Automation is a unique form of software designed specifically for the complex interdependent workflows in construction, covering all of a construction contractor’s unique business needs. Using a simple drag-and drop interface, managers can design the exact workflows they must follow for their projects, clients, and various business functions. Workflows can also be separated across different project types or clients, giving managers a new level of flexibility to adjust their software unlike anything else previously available in the market.

OnTraccr provides easy-to-use software apps for both office and field teams to use. For office teams, OnTraccr is a complete window into every aspect of their operations, including managing projects, financial reports, communications, documentation, and much more in the most customizable package ever. For field teams, the OnTraccr mobile app is a great way for field workers to stay organized, track their time, report progress easily, complete documents, and gain instant access to any important documents and files right from the job site.
The key message OnTraccr brings to the construction industry with their platform is that construction businesses should not be restricted to fit into business software, but rather their software should fit them.
OnTraccr was named one of the top 3 emerging Canadian construction technology innovations by the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) in 2022. The OnTraccr solution was presented to the largest national construction audience at the 2022 CCA Annual Conference in Vancouver (March 2022)