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The story of Nature’s Fynd™ begins millions of years ago, in an acidic hot spring located in what is today Yellowstone National Park when a remarkable microbe was born. In 2009, NASA-backed research on extremophiles led our co-founder to the park’s hot springs. He then isolated and discovered a remarkable microbe which he later named Fusarium strain flavolapis. Not only can Fusarium strain flavolapis withstand extreme acidic conditions, but one sample of it acts much like a sourdough starter meaning we can grow more without ever having to go back to the park. The founding Nature’s Fynd team of explorers, scientists, and optimists came together to develop a fermentation technology that leverages the potential of this microbe to grow Fy Protein™, which will ultimately help feed our world’s rapidly growing, and resource-hungry, population.


Not only can Fusarium strain flavolapis withstand extreme acidic conditions, but one sample of it acts much like a sourdough starter meaning we can grow more without ever having to go back to the park. The founding Nature’s Fynd team of explorers, scientists, and optimists came together to develop a fermentation technology that leverages the potential of this microbe to grow Fy Protein™, which will ultimately help feed our world’s rapidly growing, and resource-hungry, population.


Inspired by nature’s own efficiency, we invented a breakthrough fermentation technology called liquid-air interface fermentation that grows Fy™, a new-to-the-world, nutritional fungi protein, 24/7, 365 days a year without the need for rain, sun, or soil. At scale, growing Fy will use 99% less land, 99% less water, and emits 94% fewer greenhouse gases than beef.


In addition to our novel fermentation method, the versatility of Fy Protein sets Nature’s Fynd apart. With Fy, we make Meatless Breakfast Patties and Dairy-Free Cream Cheese that are available at key natural retails across the nation. Spanning both meat and dairy alternative categories is a standout characteristic in the food industry. Also in contrast to other alternative proteins, Fy is a complete vegan protein, containing all nine essential amino acids, and is a nutritional powerhouse. It has minerals and is a good source of fiber, including both beta-glucans and prebiotic fiber, which are known to support immune and digestive health. Fy boasts a higher protein digestibility score than peas, peanuts, and many other plant-based proteins; and contains twice as much protein as raw peas and 50% more than tofu1 . Fy is also differentiated by what it lacks—it’s produced without the use of antibiotics, hormones, or pesticides, and is non-GMO.


As important as it is for them to do well as a company, it’s equally as critical that Nature’s Fynd do ‘good’ in the community and hometown. We’re headquartered in the former Union Stockyards on the South Side of Chicago, the epicenter of the 20th-century meatpacking industry. In that same space, we now make a sustainable protein and have created 100 new jobs, with plans to employ over 200 more people over the next two years. We intend to invest in and revitalize other communities across the globe in the same way.

Thomas Jonas, Co-founder and CEO

As humanity is challenged by the need for nutritious, sustainable protein to feed our growing population, Nature’s Fynd’s liquid-air interface fermentation technology and Fy Protein will have a meaningful impact on nourishing people and nurturing the planet for generations to come.

References: 1. USDA Food Data Central, html , accessed April 2022

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