Espace régional d’accélération et de croissance de la Montérégie was established in 2020 and is powered by Montérégie Économique, which brings together economic development organizations from the MRCs and the agglomeration of Longueuil. The NPO supports economic operators, guides businesses towards business support and acceleration services and cooperates with key players in regional economic development by supporting innovative projects that boost the economy, visibility and vitality of the region.
Journée des développeurs économiques 2022
A perfect breeding ground for innovation and R&D
On top of its dynamic startup ecosystem, the Montérégie offers an ideal environment for innovation and R&D, featuring:
• more than 20 renowned research organizations and university faculties;
• 3 college technology transfer centres;
• 2 Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research and development centres.
The presence of the Centre d’expertise pour la mise en valeur des résidus industriels (Industrial Waste Technology Centre) and the Cité de l’innovation agroalimentaire et vétérinaire (City of agri-food, veterinary and agri-environmental biotechnology) in Saint-Hyacinthe further strengthens the Montérégie’s position as an environment conducive to innovation and R&D.

The Montérégie stands out for its diversified economy through several cutting-edge sectors and for the vibrancy of its integrated innovation network.
Leader in food processing in Quebec
500 companies in this sector are participating in TransformAction, which positions the Montérégie region for its unique practices and products and its culture of collaboration and innovation.
Cité de l’innovation © La Rivest – Créatrice d’image
Rendez-vous du développement local et régional 2022
21% of Quebec’s metallurgical companies are located in the Montérégie
The extensive know-how of the Réseau de la transformation métallique du Québec (Quebec metal transformation network) helps the 700 companies in its niche to innovate in various areas such as human resources, productivity, markets and marketing.
Leader in green innovation
Businesses in the Montérégie region are strongly positioned in the clean technology cluster of excellence (CETP) through the development of new technologies that contribute to the implementation of a new green economy.
Concertation en régionalisation de l’immigration en Montérégie
Other leading sectors
The logistics sector as well as the manufacturing of ground, electric and intelligent transportation are emerging as a leading innovative industrial cluster.
The stakeholders of the innovative technical textiles manufacturing sector benefit from an ecosystem rich in value creation and development, thanks to Technitextile.
The presence of the specific cluster in public and civil security (defence) as well as major players in the aerospace sector illustrates the deployment of a regional multi-sector economy focused on innovation.