Momni links all moms everywhere, offering instant access to trusted care. We are a subscription-free childcare option that is affordable and easy to use. Momni includes easy profile setup, instant connection with hosts near you, access to reviews, and payment within the platform. We also provide a way for moms to earn extra money from home on their own schedules.

What began as a simple idea given to one mother has become the vision of an international movement. The Momni Movement is rippling forward in concentric community circles. “Momni Circles” are being organized internationally through technology caresharing circles of trust and literal Momni Circle groups, both physical and online, to provide caresharing connections, support, encouragement, education and protection. We envision a world made better, where all mothers are linked together and the Momni technology provides instant connections to facilitate worldwide mother to mother caresharing. We circle around one another to help care for our young children in our own homes. When one mother is in need, we all circle up to contribute where we can! We are mothers! We are Momnis!

For millions of mothers around the world, finding high-quality childcare is impossible. In the poorest countries, some mothers are forced to drug their children while they work, lock them at home alone or tie them up for their own safety. The Momni Foundation helps mothers circle up to solve this care crisis. Through our caresharing app, we pay mothers in developing countries to care for the children of other moms in need.