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INNOVATEĀ® South Florida

Modern Trials Co-Founders, Dr. Alex Logsdon & Dr. Chris Ochner, with Advisory Board Chair, Dr. Blackford Middleton

What does Modern Trials actually do? Modern Trials provides access to cutting-edge treatments to patients by matching them with appropriate clinical trial opportunities. What do patients have to do? Nothing, thatā€™s the beauty of the Modern Trials process; Modern Trials identifies the patients most likely to benefit from the investigational therapeutics being tested in specific clinical trials and presents the opportunity to participate in those trials directly to those patients. All patients need to do is consider whether these additional treatment options are right for them, Modern Trials handles the rest.

Who are Modern Trialsā€™ customers? Life science organizations that run clinical trials. Pharmaceutical and medical device companies must obtain FDA approval to provide new medical therapeutics on the open market, which means they must complete clinical trials proving the safety and effectiveness of those therapeutics. This is an expensive process, with one of the largest expenses coming from the cost of identifying and screening people that may be appropriate participants for these trials. The inability to do so efficiently causes delays in FDA approval, which costs life science organizations $BB every year and delays access to new therapeutics for patients in need. Modern Trials allows life science organizations to view the entire medical history (de-identified, of course) for patients who have been pre-screened to meet trial eligibility criteria, so their customers can pick the specific individuals they want Modern Trials to contact to see if they are interested in and eligible for participation. The life science organizations pay Modern Trials to do that.

In addition, Modern Trials is about to launch the Trial Recruitment ToolboxTM for any organization recruiting for clinical trials, of which there are over 65,000 in the US alone right now! The ā€œTRTā€ is the first fully integrated toolkit custom built for clinical trial recruitment. This SaaS (software as a service) offering will help people recruiting for clinical trials do so in a more efficient and safer manner.

Where does Modern Trialsā€™ medical history information come from? Modern Trials partners with healthcare organizations and shares profits with them for allowing Modern Trials to present specific patients with trial opportunities. Thus, Modern Trials pays healthcare organizations to better serve their patients by providing them with additional treatment options.

Does Modern Trials have any major partners? In 2022, Modern Trials started collaborating with InterSystems, which manages more electronic health records than any other organization. InterSystems supports Modern Trials in several ways, including access to their technology, which allows Modern Trials to aggregate electronic health information from many different sources, no small task.

Who is on the Modern Trials team? A book could be written on the individual accomplishments of the Modern Trials management team, with three physicians, four PhDs, five MBAs and over 100 years of direct industry experience. The Advisory board hosts academic giants like Blackford Middleton (Harvard) and Jyotishman Pathak (Cornell) as well as industry leaders like Eugene Chang (Cisco) and Qi Li (InterSystems).

Modern Trials is an active supporter of the Miami community

Is community and social responsibility important to Modern Trials? Modern Trials is proud to be a 100% carbon-neutral equal opportunity employer and active member of the Miami tech community, supporting a number of local Miami businesses and charitable organizations, including the Miami Heart Research Institute, Universal Aid for Children, Bridge to Hope, Project Medishare and others.

How did Modern Trials originate? In 2018, Dr. Alex Logsdon approached Dr. Chris Ochner to see if there was anything that could be done to help the great number of Alexā€™s patients who were desperately trying to find clinical trial opportunities. Having experienced first-hand how difficult it is for patients to find appropriate trial opportunities after trying to find a clinical trial for his mother who was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, Chris was on board. Together, Alex and Chris formed Modern Trials to provide the opportunity for a better and longer life to every patient in need.

Dr. Chris Ochner, CEO
Modern Trials and InterSystems enjoying the process of improving
patient care through technology together

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