Delivering Comprehensive Immersive Education and Training Solutions for K-12 and Professional Markets




As Featured In:

INNOVATE® Austin Volume 2

Mekumi’s Education Solutions are big data driven enabling creation of immersive content; advanced instruction delivery technologies such as AR/VR driving learning & retention; AI driven assessments; and combining all these to deliver personalized learning. Mekumi solutions dramatically improve student learning, teaching skills & content effectiveness. MekumiEd combines LMS, LRS, LXP and LCMS with Instruction & Assessment Management into unified Education solutions for the 21st century. MekumiEd deployment in K-12 has improved effectiveness of teachers by delivering curricula that focuses on student’s employability skills and workforce readiness. Instructors can customize, adopt, and share best-in-class curated lessons; administrators can analyze compliance and workforce readiness metrics across company, schools, instructors and learners; and learners can build soft skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and communication in addition to mastering the core subject. MekumiCd the content creation tools enable fast development of complete courses in structured format for easy delivery, consumption and learning measurement. MekumiVLT is a course library with hundreds of courses for K-12 and Vocational Training. MekumiXR is an AR/VR/XR training content creation and delivery system that removes the need for expensive capital equipment for training and thereby removes the capacity barrier, while delivering a deeper learning. By 2024 our conservative plan is to reach 65K students across 10 ISD’s with 110 courses generating recurring revenue of $58M at 60% GPM. We expect our impact metrics to show savings of >$50M for the school districts.

Me-kumi means eternally beautiful in Japanese. We named the platform Mekumi because we want it to expose the strengths of all learners and educators and illuminate the eternal beauty of our human potential. Mekumi Ed is designed by educators, artists, video game designers, domain experts across the globe who want to achieve the impossible: an educational environment that brings rock star training to every onsite and virtual classroom. Using artificial intelligence, we set out to design a platform that enables the most effective teaching to reach all students wherever they are. The lessons equip students with the job skills they will need to succeed in their chosen careers.

We are innovators at heart. We are from around the globe. US, Japan, India, Russia, Mexico, Latin America and more. We are technology geeks. We have a passion to enable lifelong learning for every citizen of the world that is personalized and removes the cultural, social and economic barriers that get in their way. We are always challenging each other to utilize the most advanced technologies to make learning easy, playful, immersive and relevant.

Schools spend $2.2 Billion recruiting and training new teachers. The high cost is due to extremely high turnover. Mekumi Ed reduces this expense to school systems by the best lesson plans in an easy-to-edit format to all new teachers.

MekumiEd: Mekumi market is an intersection of LMS, Instructional Materials

(IM), New Tech and AI/ML. TAM growth for K-12 sector from 2019 to 2024 is: LMS 10B$ to $25B, Instructional Materials flat $3B, AI and AR/VR 1B$ to 6B$. Total TAM grows from $15B to $35B.

The platform provides:
• Teacher instructions for all lessons
• Student instructions for all lessons
• Worksheets
• Digital projections
• A discussion forum for student dialogue
• Master Question Library
• Auto-generated assessments

With the auto-sharing feature, teachers can view their colleagues’ lesson plan sequences in real-time. This provides the meaningful support that new teachers need. It also helps build a collaborative community among teachers in a school district who are teaching the same course. Mekumi Ed automatically documents all iterations of each lesson plan, and then displays this data to administrators in real time.

MekumiCd: Content Creation Tools
MekumiCd content creation tools enable fast development of complete courses in structured format for easy delivery, consumption and learning measurement. It has the following features:
1. A library of all courses (280+ courses)

2. All the assets are placed in the course sub-sections for curriculum developers to manually drag and place into the course.

3. User can see the course details or even create a NEW working copy of the course

4. User can also run the INGEST tool

5. When course is ready to publish, the course/curriculum and additional assets for that course are released into Mekumi VLT

MekumiVLT: Mekumi Course Library Vault
Mekumi VLT is a web based E-Commerce site that has all the courses published by Mekumi Cd. It shows all the courses released into the library according to:
1. Language (Courses in English, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Hindi, etc.)

2. Type (CTE, Skills, K-12 Core, Professional, etc)

3. Track (like Health Science) and cards for each course in that track

MekumiXR: Innovative Vocational-Workforce Training
Mekumi XR has five main sub-systems:
(1) A realistic and accurate 3D AR/VR model of the equipment or process that trainee should learn to operate

(2) An expert created training sequence(s) and curriculum development environment

(3) A 3D/WebVR or ImmersiveVR (Glass based) Virtual Training Environment (VTE)

(4) Eye/hand/head tracking system that captures the actions & steps of an expert trainer as they cycle through the training sequence and curriculum and uses AI to identify the critical learning metrics

(5) A trainee interface in the VTE that guides the trainee, captures his/ her proficiency level as they go through the curriculum and AI based personalized learning and mastery.

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