MCA will be a new public hotspot in Antwerp where everyone can have something to eat and drink while relaxing and experiencing the maritime sector.
The aim of MCA is to connect entrepreneurs who develop sustainable and water-related businesses. MCA Community is broad and focuses on joining forces between the various actors in the maritime sector at European level.
MCA Campus accommodates organisations ranging from larger companies to start-ups, educational and research institutions. Several facilities are made available for this purpose: co-working spaces, project spaces but also several R&D halls, labs and
Sustainability is one of the pillars of MCA: making shipping clean and sustainable. MCA Campus shows the way by transforming an old industrial area into a sustainable, future-proof and innovative site with a mix of economic activities and a public hotspot, surrounded by nature.
Because co-creation and innovation are part of MCA’s DNA, the facilities are designed to enable exactly that. Great quality, hospitality services and a stimulating community create a stimulating environment for people to be creative.
• Public hotspot in Antwerp: MCA will become a new hotspot in Antwerp with cultural activities and catering establishments
• Campus: MCA accommodates organisations ranging from larger companies to start-ups, educational and research institutions and training facilities.
• Ecosystem: MCA focuses on joining forces between various actors from inside and outside the European maritime industry
• The beating heart of maritime Europe
• The maritime knowledge cluster for Europe in Antwerp
• Technology & innovation
• Matchmaker & bridge builder: the triple helix story & the cooperation between industry, academia, R&D & government
• Strengthening the maritime sector
• Stimulating and applying knowledge, technology and innovation
• Cleaner and more efficient maritime sector
• Showing the ins and outs of the future maritime industry to the public
• Efficiency & effectivity
• Economy
• Ecology
• Safety & wellbeing
• Ship management